MEDLIB-L Archives

January 2006, Week 2


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"Harris, Tonia" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Harris, Tonia
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 09:38:22 -0500
text/plain (39 lines)
Hi Medlibbers,

I have not received the Vol 25 #1, Jan-Feb issue of Health Affairs yet.
I have called a few libraries listed in Docline and no one has theirs
either.  I am in need of "Nurse staffing in hospitals: Is there a
Business Case for Quality?" by J Needleman, PI Buerhaus, M Stewart, K
Zelevinsky and S Mattke pages 204-211.  I need to get this faxed in if
possible and I am willing to pay up to $10.00.  Please email me directly
before faxing to avoid duplication. 

Many thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


Tonia Harris, MLIS
Research Librarian
Knowledge Resource Center
Premier Inc.
Charlotte, NC
(704)733-4192 fax
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