I've been asked to locate a study / survey that appeared "recently" that
found that physicians are advising their children NOT to go into a
healthcare career. The requestor thought "maybe it was in JAMA or the
Wall Street Journal"; searches of those websites have been fruitless,
and an AltaVista search was no help either... putting in "doctors" or
"physicians" and "son(s) or daughter(s) or child(ren)" and "career(s) or
profession(s)" is about all I have to work with. I found one article
from the Aug 1998 Academic Medicine on the influence of parents on their
doctor-children's choice of specialty, but that's not it. Does this
ring any bells with anyone? As always, I am very grateful for your
Julie Stielstra MLS ph 708-763-6472
Director of Library Services fx 708-383-8783
West Suburban Hospital Medical Center
Oak Park, IL 60302
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