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February 2007, Week 2


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"Thomas L. Williams" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thomas L. Williams
Thu, 8 Feb 2007 08:08:47 +0300
text/plain (178 lines)
As far as "leaving the list."  I may very well do that. However, I  
was around when this list was first established and have a full  
understanding of its original purpose.  The purpose in setting this  
up was to discuss issues important to our profession such as  
comparing products, institutional and government regulations or  
funding, philosophical issues, etc.  I have worked for many years in  
hospital and academic health libraries.  Part of what all librarians  
are taught, especially if they are doing ILL, is how to use the  
sources for this purpose.  Docline/OCLC etc.  As a hospital librarian  
I would have loved to hop on the list every time I needed an ILL.  
However, that was not permitted in the past.

If the list has now become one that concentrates on simple reference  
questions and ILL for librarians who do not know how to use the  
appropriate channels or who just don't want to take the time, then I  
just want to know that.  Then I can jump off the list or not.   
However,  I have received a bunch of emails from members who agree  
that ILL etc. has gotten out of hand.  Again, I just want to know  
what the deal is so I can make an informed decision.


On 7 Feb 2007, at 18:45, Bette Bissonnette wrote:

> It is not a healthy sign when you cannot rely on another librarian  
> for help
> in whatever form.  I have been on the receiving end many times and  
> have
> never refused another's request for help, ILL or otherwise.  I  
> don't look
> upon it as an intrusion and I do not feel put upon.  When I cannot  
> help, I
> simply delete it.  Also, for the record I do not know one lazy medical
> librarian.
> If you are so unhappy with the number of ILL requests, or the lack of
> discussion of 'important' topics, then leave the list.  It's as  
> easy as
> that.
> Bette Bissonnette
> Saints Medical Center
> Bette Bissonnette
> Manager, Health Sciences Library
> Saints Medical Center
> 1 Hospital Dr.
> Lowell, MA  01852
> PH: 978-934-8308
> FX: 978-934-8241
> Email: [log in to unmask]
> Email: [log in to unmask]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Medical Libraries Discussion List
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Mershon, Mark A.
> Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 10:23 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: FW: Medlib policy on ILL requests
>  I have to admit I periodically sign off the list for this very  
> reason.
> I am new to the profession and see this constant begging for free  
> ILL as
> a sad statement on our colleagues, or even worse, just plain  
> laziness. I
> seem to see the same several people and libraries doing the asking and
> this too is frustrating. We do not appear to discuss topics of real
> merit to our profession. Please exhaust all other opportunities before
> we turn this forum into the Medical Librarians Craig's List.
> Mark Alan Mershon
> Medical Librarian
> Arneson Methodist Library
> ph.#952-993-7079
> fax.# 952-993-1322
> [log in to unmask]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Medical Libraries Discussion List
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Kleinmuntz, Dalia
> Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 9:03 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Medlib policy on ILL requests
> I believe that the policy has not changed.  One has to identify the
> request on the subject line as ILL (same as with "Chat").
> The problem is that there might be too many who just do not know  
> how to
> check Docline for "who has what where and from what year", or do not
> bother to do so.   It is taken for granted - even among librarians -
> that almost  "everything is on the net", or that it can be gotten for
> free if one just asks.   I do not mind helping out, and all our  
> holdings
> are so noted online, so that a search for the journal and the year  
> ought
> to identify us as holding the particular year, and thus sent  
> directly to
> us, not to the whole list.
> Libraries ought to make sure that all their holdings are listed with
> NLM.  It  takes a bit of time, but is a simple solution.  And DOC LINE
> is such a great tool - all ought to learn to use it properly!!!!,
> Dalia Kleinmuntz, M.L.S.
> Director of Webster Library & ENH Library Resources Evanston Hospital,
> Evanston Northwestern Healthcare
> 847-570-2664 (voice)
> 847-570-2926 (fax)                  [log in to unmask]
> [log in to unmask] (personal)
> Opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect those of ENH.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Medical Libraries Discussion List
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Thomas L. Williams
> Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 7:31 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Medlib policy on ILL requests
> Has Medlib changed its policy on using the listserv for ILL requests?
> In the past the policy was that we could only do that when
> we've exhausted all other possibilities; Docline, OCLC, or whatever.
> Lately there seems to be ever-increasing ILL traffic on the list?  If
> it's now open season to do ILLs I'd like to know so we can avail
> ourselves of this service.
> Thanks.
> Tom
> Thomas L. Williams, M.S.,A.H.I.P.
> Director, Distributed eLibrary
> Weill Cornell Medical College Qatar
> Education City P.O. 24144
> Doha, Qatar
> +974-492-8109
> [log in to unmask]
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Thomas L. Williams, M.S.,A.H.I.P.
Director, Distributed eLibrary
Weill Cornell Medical College Qatar
Education City P.O. 24144
Doha, Qatar
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