MEDLIB-L Archives

February 2019, Week 3


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"Gerberi, Danielle J. (Dana), M.L.S., AHIP" <[log in to unmask]>
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Gerberi, Danielle J. (Dana), M.L.S., AHIP
Fri, 15 Feb 2019 20:25:06 +0000
text/plain (9 lines)
Consider applying for one of four $1000 travel grants to MLA in 2019 awarded by the Hospital Libraries Section

Grants are awarded on a two-track points system. The number of points assigned in the first track is based on financial need. Those that receive no financial assistance will earn the maximum number of points. The second track involves current service to the section. Points are earned by being an HLS officer, committee chair, or liaison. HLS program speakers and paper/poster presenters also earn points. After points in the two categories are compiled, travel grants are awarded to the HLS applicants with the largest combined totals. Funds are presented after the MLA Annual Meeting in May and receipts are required.

The application is attached.

Please email completed applications by Friday, March 29th to Dana Gerberi at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> and good luck!