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March 1996, Week 1


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Cheryl Burg <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Mar 1996 10:50:52 -0500
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (70 lines)
            |       NATIONAL           INSTITUTE           |
            |               C A N C E R                    |
            |  INTERNATIONAL           INFORMATION         |
            |               C E N T E R                    |
                    |  [log in to unmask]  |
CancerNet, NCI's mail server providing cancer information has been
updated for March. For a description of statement changes, request
Monthly PDQ Statement Changes ( cn-405001). For a brief listing
of CancerNet content changes for the current month, request CancerNet
Changes ( cn-400000).
CANCERLIT citations and abstracts for March will be available
in CancerNet after March 7, 1996.
The National Cancer Institute Information Associates Program
provides one-stop, easy access to all of NCI's scientific
information resources, including online access to the PDQ database
via the Internet or by dialing toll-free to the Information Associates
Program BBS using just a modem and a personal computer.
For details, request news articles How to Access NCI Information
Resources - U.S. Residents ( cn-400035) or How to Access NCI
Information Resources - International ( cn-400036) from CancerNet.
To access CancerNet, send a mail message to:
    [log in to unmask]
In the body of the mail message, enter HELP to receive the instructions
and most current contents list. If you have a problem accessing CancerNet,
please call 1-800-624-7890 (within U.S.) or (301) 496-7600 or send an
email message to:
       [log in to unmask]
CancerNet statements are available in Spanish. To request the
Instructions and Contents List in Spanish, enter SPANISH in the
body of the mail message. If you would like to request the statements
in Spanish, substitute the prefix "cs-" in front of the number
(e.g., cs-100022 to receive the statement on anal cancer in Spanish).
All of the physician, patient, and supportive care statements
are available in Spanish.  Selected news articles marked with a "#" in
the Contents List are available in Spanish.
CancerNet is available on the NIH gopher server. Point gopher client
software to  Select #3 Health and Clinical Information,
and #1 CancerNet information.  Telnet access is available at the
National Cancer Center Research Institute in Tokyo (
login: gopher ).  Access to CancerNet via the World Wide Web is available
from the NCI's International Cancer Information Center Web server.
For a listing of additional sites where CancerNet Information is available,
request Redistribution of CancerNet and CancerNet Availability ( cn-400030).
This news article also has information on the conditions that apply when
redistributing CancerNet information.
Please send comments or questions to:
     Cheryl Burg
     International Cancer Information Center
     Internet: [log in to unmask]