MEDLIB-L Archives

June 2008, Week 1


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Barbara Silverbush <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 4 Jun 2008 11:07:47 -0700
text/plain (18 lines)
I know this is an odd question, but does anyone know of a source for finding a list of continuing medical education courses (CME) that HAVE ALREADY TAKEN PLACE?  I'm trying to find CME courses that were sponsored by pharmaceutical companies prior to 1998.  I'd also like to be able to find out who sponsored the course and what the topic was, e.g., oncology, alzheimer's, osteoporosis, etc.

I thought that maybe the MediConf database on Dialog might contain this info, but looking at the Blue Sheet, I can't tell if it covers CME.  I emailed them my question, but haven't heard back from them yet.  

I know that there are lots of search engines on the web that find current and future CME, but none of them would go back so far.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.  Please excuse the cross-posting.

Best regards,

Barbara Silverbush, MLS
Project Director
Center for Marketing Intelligence, Interpublic Group
New York, NY 10010