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March 1996, Week 1


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American Society for Information Science <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Mar 1996 17:46:23 -0500
text/plain (358 lines)
                   * * * CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT * * *
                          The Digital Revolution:
                     Assessing the Impact on Business,
                     Education, and Social Structures
                       ASIS 1996 Mid Year Conference
                       May 18 - 22, San Diego, CA
[Session outline follows.  Accurate as of 2/20/96.  For complete
and frequently updated program information, point your WWW
browser to and follow the links to
Meetings, 1996 Mid Year Meeting (available after 2/29).  Or contact
[log in to unmask] and we will mail or e-mail the complete copy
of this program.]
Highlights Include
- Keynote by Sherry Turkle, MIT Media Labs
  Dr. Turkle's most recent research is on the psychology of
computer-mediated communication which is reported in her latest
book, _ Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet_.
Among her other writings are: "Project Athena at MIT" and
"Growing up in an Age of Intelligent Machines: Reconstruction of
the Psychological and Reconsiderations of the Human."
-Plenary by Everett Rogers:  "The Homeless and their Home on
the Net."  Dr. Rogers is Chair and Professor, Department of
Communication and Journalism, University of New Mexico. (Invited)
- Plenary by Arno Penzias, Vice President, Research, ATT Bell
Laboratories.  He was the 1978 recipient of the Nobel prize for
his work in radio astronomy confirming the "big bang" theory.
His latest book is _ Harmony: Business Technology and Life after
Paperwork_. (Invited)
Saturday, May 18
Professional Development (9:00am - 5:00pm except where noted)
  * JAVA Programming (1:00pm - 5:00pm)
  * Copyright and Intellectual Property in an Electronic World
  * Practical HTML: A Hands-on Workshop
Sunday, May 19
  * Building a Quality Presence on the Net
  * Advanced HTML Workshop
  * Managing Web Servers
  * Boolean to Free-Text Searching
  * Lotus Notes for Information Management
Monday, May 20
* Plenary Session:  Sherry Turkle, MIT Media Lab
* Information Policies and Principles
* Digital Libraries: Tools, Usage and Models
* Electronic Scientific Publications:  Role of the Gatekeepers
* Changes in Business Directions: Impact of the Web
* Access to and Control of Digital Resources
* Challenges to Traditional Libraries
* Assessing Impact in Business
* Digital Library Trends and Issues: An NSF Perspective
* Context and Politics among the Players in the Digital Community
* The CommuniStation Project at Rutgers: An Exploration of
  Democracy in Learning
* National Information Policy Caught in the Digital Revolution
* Finding Information on the Net
Tuesday, May 21
* Plenary Session: Everett Rogers:  The Homeless and their Home
  on the Net (Invited)
* Retrieval/Feedback Approaches in Digital Libraries
* Internal Web Pages:  How Corporate and Academic Research
  Environments are Managing Information Access and Flow
  Internally Using World Wide Web Technology
* Health Care Information Technology: Changing the Way Society
  Seeks Health Care.
* Legacy Data: Conversion & Retention
* Role of the Science and Technology Information Professional in
  Meeting the Needs of Scientists in the Digital Environment
* SGML Authoring Tools
* Evolving Information Economics: Responses to the Digital
* Models and Measurement in Digital Libraries
* Electronic Journals, Archives, and ILL: Information Transfer
* Network Instruction, Distant-Learning & Information Seeking
* The Digital Revolution in Education: Approaches to Evaluation.
* Planning GII: Implications for Training
Wednesday, May 22
* Plenary Session: Arno Penzias, Vice President for Research at
ATT Bell Laboratories.  (Invited)
* Network-centered Computing: Web-based Interfaces for
  Organizational Databases
* Museum Education Site Licensing Project: Networked Delivery of
  High Quality Images and Accompanying Text
* The Implications of Digital Curricula
* The Role of Electronic Media in Science Education
Saturday, May 18, 1996
* Behind the Scenes at the San Diego Zoo (9:30am - 2:30pm)
* Tijuana, Mexico (9:00am - 2:00pm)
Sunday, May 19, 1996
* San Diego Wild Animal Park (10:00am - 3:00pm)
Monday, May 20, 1996
* San Diego Harbor Dinner Cruise on the Lord Hornblower (6:00pm -
Tuesday, May 21, 1996
* San Diego State Univ. Electronic Book Reserve Room (12:30pm -
Wednesday May 22, 1996
* San Diego Super Computer Center (12:30pm - 3:00pm)
  The San Diego Marriott Mission Valley offers a fully equipped
health club with exercise equipment, whirlpool, sauna, two tennis
courts, and, of course, a swimming pool enlivened by a waterfall.
The hotel is 10 minutes from San Diego International airport and
has ample free parking.
Rates:  $79.00 single or double
  When making hotel reservations, be certain to mention that you
are attending the ASIS Mid-Year Conference.  Make hotel
reservations directly with the Marriott prior to April 19, 1996:
  by calling 1 (800) 842-5329
  by faxing (619) 297-3960
  or by mail to :
     San Diego Marriott Mission Valley
     8757 Rio San Diego Drive
     San Diego, CA  92109.
TRAVEL TO AND IN SAN DIEGO -- Get there for less!
  For lowest available fares on any airline, call Conventions in
America, the official travel agency for ASIS.  You will receive
$100,000 free flight insurance and become eligible to win free
travel in their bi-monthly drawings.
  Ask for Group #425
1-800-929-4242(24 hour toll free message center).
Outside 800 call (619)678-3600/Fax(619) 678-3699
Internet: [log in to unmask]
  Hours: M-F 6:30am - 5:00pm Pacific Standard Time
Or Call American at 1-800-433-1790, ask for Starfile #S6456AB.
  Call USAir 1-800-334-8644, ask for Goldfile #26390172.
Alamo Rent A Car is also offering special rates starting as low
as $25/day or $125/week.  Unlimited free mileage and bonus
frequent flyer miles on American Airlines and US Air.
Alamo 1-800-732-3232, ID #432368, GR.  ASIS members can also get
their ASIS-member discount from Alamo by calling 1 (800) 354-
2322, asking for Rate Code BY and giving the Association I.D.,
  The cost of Conference proceedings is NOT built into the
registration fee in order to make the conference as affordable as
possible.  Individuals wishing to purchase proceedings on site
may do so for $15.00.
By Mail: Complete one copy of the following registration form for
each registrant.  Please be sure you provide all information
requested on the form.  Send your completed form(s) to ASIS
Conference Registrar, Department 5189, Washington, D.C.  20061-
5189.  We will mail written confirmations of registrations
received up to May 10, 1996.
By Fax:
Send your completed form to (301) 495-0810.  Fax registration
must include MasterCard, VISA, or American Express payment.
By Phone or Email:
Phone your complete information to (301) 495-0900.  Phone
registrations must include MasterCard, VISA or American Express.
Email all registration information with credit card information
to [log in to unmask]  For more information call (301) 495-0900,
9:00am - 5:00pm EST.
Early Registration Discounts:
To qualify for registration discounts, your registration and
payment  information must be received by ASIS by April 12,
1996.  Late rates apply to registrations received after this
date.  This deadline will be strictly adhered to.
Cancellations and Refunds:
Cancellations and Refund requests will be honored only if
received _in writing_ by April 19, 1996.  No cancellation or
refund requests will be accepted after this date.  All refunds
will be subject to a $25 processing fee.  Refund checks will be
issued six to eight weeks after the conference.  Special event
fees are non-refundable.
Early rates available if registration RECEIVED AT ASIS by April
12, 1996. After then late prices will apply.
Conference Proceedings are not included in the registration fee.
ASIS 1996 Mid Year MEETING                        May 18-22, 1996
                         CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM
Are you an ASIS member? ___ Yes ___ No   ASIS Mbr#:___________
___Mr.   ___Ms.
Last Name:______________________First Name:______________________
Nick Name for Badge: _______________________________
City:_______________________________ State/Province:__________
Zip plus 4/Postal Code:_____________Country:__________________
Phone:________________________  Fax:__________________________
Special Needs:________________________________________________
              (wheelchair access, etc)
Is this your first ASIS conference? ______
____ VISA   _____ MasterCard   ____ American Express
Name on Card:______________________________________________
Card Number:_______________________________________________
Expires: ______________
Check the appropriate items and enter the corresponding fees.
Early rates available if registration RECEIVED AT ASIS by April
12, 1996.  After then late prices will apply.
Select a Registration Category:
_____ Regular
_____ Retired (ASIS membership category only)
_____ Student
FULL CONFERENCE (early/late)     Full Conference Fee:_______
                   Regular       Retired       Student
Members:          $175/$210     $90/$105     $45/$70
                   Regular                     Student
Non-members:      $275/$320                   $70/$95
SINGLE DAY RATES:(early/late)              Single Day Fee:_______
                   Regular       Retired       Student
Members:          $95/$115      $50/$70        N/A
                   Regular                     Student
Non-members:      $135/$165                    N/A
Select Day(s): ___MON   ___TUES    ___WEDS   ___THURS
Copyright and Intellect Prop in an E-World (Sat, 5/18)
                                              Seminar Fee:_______
  Members              $195/$245
  Non-members          $220/$270
Java Programming (Sat, 5/18, 1/2 day)         Seminar Fee:_______
  Members              $150/$180
  Non-members          $175/$205
Practical HTML: Hands-on Workshop (Sat 5/18)  Seminar Fee:_______
  Members             $225/$260
  Non-members         $250/$285
Internet Search Engines (Sun, 5/19, 1/2 day)  Seminar Fee:_______
  Members             $110/$150
  Non-members         $135/$175
From Boolean to Free Text(Sun, 5/18)          Seminar Fee:_______
  Members             $195/$225
  Non-members         $225/$255
Developing A Quality Net Presence (Sun, 5/19) Seminar Fee:_______
Members             $195/$245
Non-members         $220/$270
Tech based IM using Lotus Notes (Sun, 5/19)   Seminar Fee:_______
  Members             $195/$225
  Non-members         $225/$255
Managing Web Servers (Sun, 5/19)(SIG MGT)     Seminar Fee:_______
  Members             $195/$225
  Non-members         $225/$255
[Members of SIG MGT, deduct $10)
Advanced HTML Workshop (Sun, 5/19)            Seminar Fee:_______
  Members             $245/$275
  Non-members         $275/$300
TOURS (early/late)
Behind the Scene at the San Diego Zoo (Sat 5/18) Tour Fee:_______
  Members             $40/$50
  Non-members         $45/$55
Tijuana, MX (Sat 5/18)                          Tour Fee:_______
  Members             $40/$50
  Non-members         $45/$55
San Diego Wild Animal Park (Sun 5/19)            Tour Fee:_______
  Members             $40/$50
  Non-members         $45/$55
San Diego State U Elect. Book Reserve(Tue, 5/21) Tour Fee:_______
  Members             $20/$30
  Non-members         $25/$35
Harbor Dinner Cruise (Mon 5/20)                  Tour Fee:_______
  Members:            $60/$70
  Non-members:        $65/$75
_____ ASIS MEMBERSHIP $95 (1 year)         Membership Fee:_______
 MY96-N                                TOTAL FEES: $____________