MEDLIB-L Archives

July 1994, Week 4


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Lavinia Kumar <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 27 Jul 1994 09:41:08 -0500
text/plain (26 lines)
With respect to the question, I had a powerMac at my disposal for a week or
so to test this very problem.  I found absolutely NO problem at all with any
of the Mac programs. We already use them on the Quadras (40MHz); so they went
a bit faster (60MHz), which medicalstudents love anyway.
A caution would be that you should buy high RAM with the PowerMac, especially
as System 7.5 is coming out.  I would suggest about 20-24 MB.
If you plan to use the DOS/Windows side of the PowerMac, this may cause a
problem or two.  I tried to run a very old (4-5 yrs) piece of software,
designed with Basic programming, and it simply would not go!  Also,
installation of Windows programs needs both time and RAM.  So if you need to
run Windows, you need to set separate (and different) RAM for this.  And this
adds up, in price.
A piece of advice is to wait a bit for buying the PowerMac, as there is some
ROM incompatibilty.  CHECK with your Systems engineer, not just vendor,
before buying.
If you have further questions, please let me know
Lavinia Kumar, Ed.D.        Internet:[log in to unmask]
Coordinator Computer Learning Lab, Office of Education
           New Jersey Medical School
Phone: 201-982-7823         Fax: 201-982-6035