This is my first reference question on the MEDLIB-L.
Can anyone recommend a list of WEBSITES containing Consumer Health
Information for Portuguese-speaking Consumers?
I have searched: Dirline, Medline, and Medlineplus (via Internet Grateful
Med and Pubmed), Healthfinder, Yahoo, Infoseek, and other search engines,
plus the American Heart Association, the American Lung Association, and the
American Heart, Lung, And Blood Institute (for specific heart & lung related
topics), and will also try the MLA CAPHIS LIST.
We are looking for WEBSITES ONLY, (not books, newsletters, or pamphlets).
Thank You for your suggestions!
Elizabeth Killoran
Director, Medical Library, MLS, AHIP
Milford-Whitinsville Regional Hospital
14 Prospect Street
Milford, Massachusetts 01757
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