MEDLIB-L Archives

February 1998, Week 1


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Webster Library <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 10:58:28 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (21 lines)
OK - agreed that the product is not perfect;  agreed that other NLM
products have had problems that took years to fix;  Disagree, however,
that this costitues a "precedent" and thus should be "accepted".  My
reaction is NO.  In Industry, such programs go into a "beta test", and
then it does Not take "years" to make changes.  Such "works in progress"
should be stated as such, and users given the option until it is agreed
that it is comparaablae, or acceptable.  It should noot havae been not
rammed down all the throats of those who cannot afford the more
expensive but better programs, such as Ovid, or Docline, or DataStar, or
Silver platter.

Dalia Kleinmuntz
Webster Library
Evanston Hospital
2650 Ridge Ave.
Evanston IL 60201
[log in to unmask]            (847) 570-2665        FAX: (847) 570-2926

"The secret of caring for the patient is caring for the patient"
                                                       - Sir William Osler