Another ad, I assume, for SquareNote. Has anyone on this list (or anyone
you know) used SquareNote? Any testimonials?
Margo Coletti ([log in to unmask]) / Beth Israel Hospital / Boston, MA
On Mon, 4 Mar 1996, caroline nachman wrote:
> The amount of diverse information that a librarian today is expected
> read and understand is staggering compared with even 10 years ago. And it
> comes at a time of staff cutbacks at most libraries.
> Every librarian comes to understand that a person simply cannot
> this deluge of data, and creates or borrows tools to deal with the
> information overload.
> Keeping a daily journal of what seem like the most significant ideas,
> mos
> and articles is one way to handle the overload. While not a perfect
> solution, it seems to fit with the workmodes and habits of many librarians.
> You can keep your journal on any media -- steno pads, notebooks,
> of
> paper -- but there are certain methods and ways of doing it that ensure
> maximum value from your journal.
> For a short memo on the subject [which of course will add to your
> information overload!], email me at "[log in to unmask]".
> Good luck and best wishes,
> Caroline Nachman, SQN Inc. | For free SquareNote3.5,
> "Organize, indexe, retrieve | email "[log in to unmask]"
> notes, ideas & documents. | or open ""
> Like index cards on a PC." | or ""