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June 1999, Week 3


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Sidney Liswood Library <[log in to unmask]>
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Sidney Liswood Library <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Jun 1999 10:54:17 -0400
text/plain (56 lines)
> Dear Deborah,
> I looked in the yellow pages - the number is:
> 972-7-6460334.

While there's nothing like having someone local look an MD up for you,
Israel is a small country, and, for all I know there is one Yellow pages
for everybody.

In the absence or such convenience, I use PubMed to find doctors.
More often than not, when our doctors wish to contact other doctors, it
relates, in some way, to work the latter have published.

In the above case, the author was given as Basil Porter, Pediatrics, in

Using the Gord Lindsay Method for Single Line Verification in PubMed, I
inputted the following into the ALL FIELDS line:

porter b israel

I got 15 hits, the most recent of which (1998) had the following affiliation:

Maccabi Health Care Services, Jerusalem, Israel

There were other papers with other affiliations.  I would then try to
locate these institutions on the Web, starting with the most recent.

An interesting aside about Israel is the Gold Fax service available
through the Big Yellow Global directory.  If you can stand
the wait while this program executes with the speed of a snail dragging
an elephant, you can click on "Asia & Middle East," go to Israel, specify a
search for medical clinics or hospitals, then search for the specific
establishment in the subset.  What you then get (you hope) is a listing
for the establishment you seek, and the ability to immediately send them
a fax from your web browser.  This, of course, you do only if you can't
find a web site for the place using more conventional web search means.

The URL for the Global Directory is:

Unless you're a multilinguist, always look for the English button on
these sites.

Gord Lindsay, ILL Clerk, and      Internet: [log in to unmask]
Poet-In-Residence,                FAX: (416) 586-4998
Sidney Liswood Library,           Phone: (416) 586-4614
Mount Sinai Hospital              Carrier Pigeon, Starship, Plane:
600 University Ave.,              Latitude 43 39N, Longitude 79 20W
Toronto, Ont., M5G 1X5
CANADA                            Or, just whistle and I'll find you.