An experienced nurse educator here who is new to the pediatrics area
requested a recommendation as to what are a couple of the best pediatric
nursing journals.
I took a quick look at the 2002 Brandon-Hill Nursing list and came up
with the following list. Any additional recommendations and/or any
thoughts on which one(s) this list might be the most useful?
Pediatric Nursing (Bimonthly)
Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses: JSPN. (Quarterly)
Journal of Pediatric Health Care (Bimonthly)
MCN: The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing. (Bimonthly)
Vicky Spitalniak, M.S.
Medical Library Manager
Carroll Hospital Center
200 Memorial Avenue
Westminster, MD 21157
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phone: 410-871-7065 fax: 410-871-6987