Can anyone out there help us with this search - we are investigating to
see if there is any best practice literature that address Vital Signs
parameters (on order set forms for patients in hospitals) where you
would notify the MD if:
Notify MD if
Temperature > 38.6'C
Systolic Blood Pressure > 160 or < 100
Heart rate > 100 beats per minute
Respirations > 30 or < 10 per minute
The group of medical staff people that we are searching for - want to
know if there is any evidence to support these parameters - and I am
having trouble finding information.
Happy New Year
Kathy Cable, MLS
Information Services Reference Librarian
East Carolina University
William E. Laupus Health Sciences Library
Brody Medical School Sciences Building
Greenville, NC 27834
Telephone:: 252-744-3222
Fax: 252-744-3512
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