MEDLIB-L Archives

March 1996, Week 1


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Stephanie Lipow <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Mar 1996 16:49:16 -0800
text/plain (29 lines)
The Winter 1996 issue of MINEWS is coming soon!
To receive section email announcements, you must subscribe to
the new MINEWS listserv.  If you haven't yet signed on,
please follow these instructions:
        Address an email message to:
                [log in to unmask]
        Leave the subject line blank.
        In the body of the message type:
                subscribe minews (your first name) (your last name).
        Send the message.
The MINEWS listserv is restricted to only members of the Medical
Informatics Section of MLA.  Activity on the listserv will be limited to
announcements from the Newsletter Editors or messages sent at the direction
of the MIS Executive Committee.  Messages sent to the listserv will be
forwarded to the Newsletter Editors as 'letters to the editor'.
For information on joining the section, please contact Doreen Bradley,
[log in to unmask]
If you experience difficulty subscribing to the listserv, please contact
Jim Shedlock, [log in to unmask]
        -- Stephanie Lipow & Gail Persily, MINEWS co-editors