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June 2008, Week 1


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"Fikar, Charles" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fikar, Charles
Fri, 6 Jun 2008 15:19:24 -0400
text/plain (79 lines)
I have made Lonesome Doc available to Residents and Faculty for several years now and some of them use it extensively. It saves them time and really works well. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

With respect,

Charles R. Fikar, MD, DABP, MSLS, AHIP
Library Manager
Caritas Health Care
Mary Immaculate Hospital
Woods Health Sciences Library
152-11 89th Avenue
Jamaica, NY 11432 
718-558-6300 (6:30AM-8:30AM)
718-670-4229 (~9:00AM-3:30PM)
718-558-7108 (fax)
001-718-558-7108 (International Fax)
001-718-558-6300 (International Phone)
001-718-670-4229 (International Phone)
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-----Original Message-----
From: Medical Libraries Discussion List on behalf of Mary Hanson
Sent: Fri 6/6/2008 2:10 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Hospital Libraries and Residents and Loansome Doc?  Has anyone tried it?
We've used Loansome Doc for years.  It's wonderful--you can read the citations, and they're as accurate as they'll ever be.  And, you don't lose those silly little scraps of paper on your desk.  docline has a hissy fit if you don't respond so it's easier to prioritize.  If you use a database like QuickDoc to track requests, you don't have to manually enter Loansome Doc requests--they import.  They have to use an e-mail address to register so you can easily e-mail articles/notices to them   I like it.

The only annoying thing that I notice is that they (the residents) usually don't pay attention to the language of the article.  But you can just cancel those, unless you're willing to pay and/or know the person can read that language.
You can have the same rules you normally would--that they have to copy what's in the library; that you won't pay for one page letters; that they can only request 10 at a time; whatever you you've had in the past.
It's made our life much easier.
Mary A. Hanson, M.S.L.
Saint Mary's Health Sciences Library
200 Jefferson SE
Grand Rapids, MI  49503

voice:  616-752-6260
fax:  616-752-6419y
>>> <[log in to unmask]> 6/6/2008 12:44 PM >>>
Hello all,

As I am preparing for a new batch of residents, I have been thinking of 
letting my residents use Loansome Doc.  I'm  sure someone has tried or is 
doing this.  What are the pros/cons?  I only have 30 FP residents so I 
don't have that many to worry about. 

Any advice, etc. would be appreciate before I go ahead.  They're coming in 
about two weeks.  LOL



Halyna Liszczynskyj, BS, MLS
Director of Library Services
St. Elizabeth Medical Center
2209 Genesee Street
Utica, NY  13501
(315) 798-8381  Office
(315) 734-4499  Fax
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