MEDLIB-L Archives

June 2000, Week 3


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"Blucker, Daniel M" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Blucker, Daniel M
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 10:30:00 +0300
text/plain (25 lines)
While I have the Medlib-L address on my clipboard, let me make a second
request for advice.  We would like to talk to anyone who is launching
windows programs, such as JCAHO's Automated CAMH or Shoreland's Travax, with
hyperlinks on their websites.

We are doing our best to select web enabled or web interface electronic
publications to hyperlinks from our library website.  However, a few we need
still are available only in a windows version, some even requiring client
software installation to work.

We have used a Winbatch program to create a menu of these resources, each of
which is launched by a click on the menu item.  This means we have two
completely separate lists and links of our online resources; our website and
the Winbatch program.  We would prefer to have a single list with links on
our website.

Any advice or assistance you can provide will be appreciated.  Thank you.

Daniel Blucker
Health Sciences Library
Saudi Aramco Medical Services
Box 76, Room 0-140
Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia
(966-3) 877-3109; fax 877-3411