MEDLIB-L Archives

April 2020, Week 4


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Jennifer Monnin <[log in to unmask]>
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Jennifer Monnin <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 27 Apr 2020 14:27:52 +0000
text/plain (18 lines)
Good morning med libs!

I was hoping to gather some insight from you all about how you manage your systematic review service. We are in the beginning stages of getting ours more formalized, and a couple of us recently discussed whether we should institute a formalized peer review process for the search strings we create.

My question for you all is does your SR service have a search string peer review component? Why or why not? If you do have one, what is your process? How do you facilitate and document this process? Is it formalized or do librarians informally ask around for a peer reviewer when they need one? Do you include all librarians or medical librarians only? Follow up from that last question: does your SR service cater to health science disciplines only or do you also include the social sciences? Any and all advice you can offer would be wonderful.

Thanks in advance, and stay healthy and well in this time,

/ Jenn Monnin

Scholarly Engagement Librarian

Health Sciences Library
West Virginia University
(304) 293-1922
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