I am looking for two citations - both of which are unavailable
everywhere, including NLM! If you can help, we are willing to pay $8
each, and I will happily send paperwork. The citations are:
1. Complementary Therapies in Nursing Midwifery
1995 June v. 1(3) p. 77-84
Stevensen, C.
Non-pharmacological aspects of acute pain management...
Serline SR0082500
2. British Journal of Learning Disabilities
19?? v. 23(1) p. 37-40
Harrison, J. and Ruddle, J.
Serline SR0085242
Thank you so much! You may e-mail me at: [log in to unmask]
Madelyn Hall
Southwest Washington Medical Center Library
400 N.E. Mother Joseph Place
Vancouver, WA 98668
[log in to unmask]
(360) 256-3167 voice
(360) 256-6466 fax