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January 2000, Week 3


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Medical Libraries Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Nancy H Tannery <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 09:14:57 -0500
Nancy H Tannery <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (37 lines)
Applications are now being accepted for the University of Pittsburgh
Health Sciences Library and Informatics Traineeships for 2000-2001. The
University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) and Center
for Biomedical Informatics (CBMI) offer a joint training program in health
sciences librarianship and medical informatics as a component of the
Medical Informatics Training Program of the CBMI. This program is a
yearlong educational opportunity for individuals who have earned an MLS
degree and who have special interests or experience in health sciences
librarianship and medical informatics. The trainees will gain a broad
knowledge of the activities performed within an academic health sciences
library and enhance their understanding of the current development and
application of information technology in health care practice, education
and research. Funding for the program comes primarily from the National
Library of Medicine (NLM) through its support of the Pittsburgh Medical
Informatics Training program, and the Health Sciences Library System.
This program seeks hard-working and highly motivated graduates of an
ALA-accredited program who are committed to a career in health sciences
librarianship, and who have demonstrated potential for leadership in the
profession. Strongly preferred are a science or health sciences degree,
completion of classwork in health sciences librarianship and/or other work
experience in a health sciences setting. Evidence of outstanding
interpersonal and communication skills must be presented. Applicant must
be creative, energetic, team-oriented, flexible, and able to work both
independently and collaboratively in a complex, rapidly changing
        Applications are now being accepted for two trainees, who will
begin in August 2000.  To learn more about the program and for application
information, see
        Applications received prior to March 31, 2000 will receive first
consideration.  Submit materials to Ms.Cleat Szczepaniak, University of
Pittsburgh Center for BiomedicalInformatics, 8084 Forbes Tower, 200
Lothrop Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2582

Nancy Tannery, MLS
Assistant Director for Information Services
Health Sciences Library System