MENCUVM Archives

May 2014


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Brendan Wilson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 9 May 2014 09:30:46 -0400
text/plain (1428 bytes) , iPad Reflection Spring (14 kB)
Hello, Dr. Riley,

I have an attachment of my reflection for the iPad. Also, I am  
planning to return the iPad today after school. I have already  
restored everything and with the original packing materials.

Thank you.

Quoting Patricia Riley <[log in to unmask]>:

> Hello everyone, and happy finals week! I hope that everyone had a  
> good semester and is looking forward to some summer fun! I am  
> writing to remind those of you with Music Education Program iPads  
> that your end-of-semester iPad reflections are due by the end of  
> next week (May 9). Here is the statement from the forms you all  
> signed as you checked yours out:
> At the end of each semester of use, each pre-service teacher should  
> submit a reflection (minimum 1 double-spaced page -- due during  
> finals week) stating how he/she used the iPad to enhance his/her  
> musicianship, teacher preparation (including Methods and other  
> coursework), and or working with students (in Practicum, student  
> teaching, and/or other settings such as private lessons or work at a  
> pre-school or internship). In order to inform this reflection, keep  
> a list (in the notebook on your iPad) of each instance where you  
> used the iPad for one of these purposes.
> Best - Dr. R
> -- 
> Patricia Riley
> Associate Professor, Music Education
> The University of Vermont
> A311 Music Building
> 384 S. Prospect St.
> Burlington, VT 05405
> (802) 656-7770

Brendan Wilson