Hey all-
Yes, sorry about the meeting being a little brief, and some of you are
probably sick of our meetings. I hope for next semester to have a few
things different, especially with what is being discussed at the
meetings and the times that they are held- we all want everyone who can
to be there, so please don't loose hope in our club. THANKS!
Also, for those not there today, I talked with the faculty and they are
all for having a reception for the new music ed person and the entire
department starting next semester. Watch your email as next semester
approaches. Also, over the summer, start thinking about things: MENC
Division Conference in Hartford, National Anthem Project in
Burlington!!, more fundraising ideas (bigger things, focusing on
things) and anything you will think is fun. We want to start off the
semester strong, especially with a new advisor, and get things rolling
right away! Thanks for your patience with everything, and I think that
there is a lot of potential for this club!
Good luck with finals, everyone.
Yvette "it's less than 24 hours until the naked bike ride and that is
so cool right now cause I don't want to work on my paper or do any more
work for at least 2 months, is that a good one Jordan?" Courtemanche
Quoting Jordan Everett Alexander <[log in to unmask]>:
> Hello Everyone,
> My apologies for not being at the meeting, there was a
> miscommunication among the leaders. However, if there are any final
> issues you would like closure on from me, let me know! Sorry for any
> inconvenience my absence may have caused.
> Good luck with juries and finals!
> Jordan
> "Mmmbop-badooba-dop-bah-doo-wop-bah-do-ih-dop-bah-doo-bop-bah-doobah-dop-bah-doooo, yeah yeah."
> Alexander