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May 2006


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William Richard Rice <[log in to unmask]>
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Mon, 1 May 2006 22:57:37 -0400
text/plain (26 lines)
Hail All Ye Music Educators!

To add to what Chelsie has already said, the parking situation here is 
not great for large numbers of people and there are specific places 
where you can and can't park, plus they are doing construction here. 
The address is:

80 Austin Dr.
Apt. #104
Burlington, VT 05401

The apartment complex is called Ledgewood and my building is #10. 
Mapquest should give you good directions to the complex. Once you get 
into the Ledgewood complex, take the second left. There will be a pool, 
tenis court, and a basketball hoop on your right and you may park in 
the spots there. Building 10 is just across the street from the pool. 
Just don't park in any numbered spots. If all of these guest spots in 
this area are full, backtrack, and take the first right upon coming 
into Ledgewood (last left if you backtrack). This is Oak Beach Drive 
and you may park anywhere on the right side of the street. You will 
just have a little longer walk....sorry. If you intend to drive, and if 
mapquest doesn't work for you for some reason, just email me or call me 
at 603-568-4313

Bill "wouldn't it be nice to have chicken soup with" Rice