MENCUVM Archives

November 2011


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Lindsey Devin Soboleski <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 28 Nov 2011 16:59:59 -0500
text/plain (45 lines)
Hi Everyone!

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and are ready to take down the last  
few days of classes!

Thank you Leah, for bringing snacks to the meeting!!

There are still more concerts to usher this semester- Andy will be  
getting (or already has) an extended concert list for ushering that  
includes senior recitals and such. On that note, two of our own, Matt  
and Leah, have senior recitals this coming Saturday!! Matt's is at  
2:30 and Leah's is at 5:00. Go and support our seniors!!!

Our Montreal trip has been decided!! It will be the weekend of March  
10th-11th (this is the second weekend of March break). If you come up  
early and have nowhere to put your stuff, you can leave it at  
someone's apartment- don't worry!

We will have 3 committees- Hotel, Restaurants, and Itinerary. We will  
sign up for these tomorrow, so PLEASE COME TO THE MEETING!!!!

Just so you know, tomorrow will be my second to last meeting as your  
secretary. Which means...WE NEED TO ELECT A NEW SECRETARY!!! The  
duties are these: Attend EVERY meeting and take notes, then send them  
out in an email before the next meeting, attend officer meetings (and  
sometimes SGA things), and help the other officers with anything that  
they may need. If you are interested, WE WILL BE ELECTING SOMEONE  
TOMORROW!! So please come to the meeting.

Next Monday, December 5, The Vermont MIDI project will be having it's  
annual dinner/show at the Elley Long center. We would have to be there  
a little before 5:00 and we would be there for about 2 hours. It's  
fun, we get free food, and we get to hear awesome student compositions  
from all around Vermont!!

That is all- I hope to see EVERYONE tomorrow!!

