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September 2007


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Pam Kathan <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Moretown Educational <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 21 Sep 2007 12:03:43 -0400
text/plain (3659 bytes) , August 21 2007 minutes.doc (34 kB)

-----Original Message-----
From: Amy Bolger [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11:32 AM
To: Pam Kathan; Jamie Wimble
Subject: Minutes finally


School Board Meeting, held at Moretown Elementary School

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

John called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m.

*Board Chair Report*

The board discussed John’s idea to sponsor a public brainstorming
session or focus group

on improving transportation. Such a session could be publicized through
the newspaper,

school newsletter, the new town message boards and other places.

John described Gaye Symington’s proposal to levy a 2% income tax to fund
public recent


* *

*Superintendent’s Report*

Bob described a two-day facilitated workshop that administrative staff
attended recently.

The workshop was centered on systemic improvements to public education.
Bob noted

that because support for public education continues to erode on many
levels, this is a

critical topic for school administrators to address. For a book
addressing this topic, Bob

referenced “Results Now: How We Can Achieve Unprecedented Improvements in

Teaching and Learning” by Michael Schmoker.

Bob reviewed the WWSU Mission Statement and talked about the importance
of working

together across schools for greatest effectiveness. He noted a focus on
shared goals; the

Executive Committee will be voting on adoption of this document.

* *

*Principal’s Report*

Roberta reported that this year’s professional development workshops
will focus on

mathematics, specifically Vermont Mathematics Partnership’s (VMP) _Ongoing _

_Assessment of Fractions Project _(OGAP). **

Roberta reported that the issues relating to classroom placements and
the literacy

program etc. discussed at the last school board meeting had been
successfully resolved.

The kindergarten schedule will, as planned, remain the same as last year.

Roberta reported on a conversation with the principal at The Warren
School regarding

how they handle student transportation - Warren owns its own buses. The
board reviewed

our current contract with First Student. Lisa and Jay will work on a
position paper

focusing on transportation. They will meet with John (business manager)
Bob and

Roberta to further discuss the issue.

* *

*Teachers’ Contract*

Bob reported that procedurally, the teachers will vote to ratify the
proposed contract, and

then, if approved, will sign it. Signing is not expected to occur until
September 5^th . On a

motion by John, seconded by Deb, the board voted to approve John to sign
on behalf of

the board following the expected contract ratification.

At 7:30 P.M. the board went into executive session to discuss specifics
in the proposed

contract. The board emerged at 7:40. No votes were taken.

* *

*Food Service Update*

* *

Amy updated the board on the recent hiring of a new food service
director at Harwood,

and discussed expected improvements to food service at MES.

* *

*Approval of August Retreat Minutes*

On a motion by Lisa, seconded by John the board voted to approve the
minutes of the

August retreat.

* *

* *

*Update on Quarry*

At 7:55 p.m. the board went into executive session to discuss the most
recent mediation

session. The board emerged at 8:04 p.m. No votes were taken.

* *

*Update on Entrance Project*

The board noted that the improvements to the school entrance had been

*Board Orders*

On a motion by Jay, seconded by Amy the board approved the following orders:

#10 for 4,982.82; #11 for $2,187.72 and #12 for $91,688.14 all signed on
August 21,

2007. .

* *


On a motion by Deb, seconded by John, the board voted to adjourn at 8:10


Date: ___________________________________________________________

Amy Bolger - Board Clerk