February 2008


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Middle Level Mathematics Network <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 17 Feb 2008 08:49:28 -0800
Middle Level Mathematics Network <[log in to unmask]>
beth jette <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
cc: "Dena St. Amour" <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
text/plain (75 lines)
  In Swanton, we have created consensus maps by
trimester to inform our teaching.  Our curriculum
aligns to the VT GEs and our maps align to our
curriculum.  We have also worked on an assessment that
aligns to what is taught in each trimester of our
maps.  Furthermore, we have put the program
connection, (we use the NEW Investigations K-5 and
Mathematics and Prentice-Hall Course I in grade 6)next
to each part of our curriculum map that it aligns to
as a "guide" for teachers to use in their lessons.  We
have decided which topics need more emphasis in each
grade level by designing a vertical alignment that
corresponds to our curriculum maps.   As we look at
the vertical alignment, the topics that need more
teaching time are those that are new at each grade
level.  We know that if the topic is a "review" topic
it should take less of our teaching time.
   This is our first year using this system and I 
must stress that things are in the "working draft"
stage for now.  We are finding grade levels and/or
teachers that are having a hard time "fitting in" the
whole program. In order to remedy this, we meet as
grade levels (there are four or five math teachers at
each grade level) to discuss what parts of the program
truly support our curriculum and which could be cut
back and only used if time allows.  The emphasis is
placed on curriculum and not program.  The program is
merely a tool used to facilitate teaching of the

Beth Hunter Jette
Math Content Specialist
Swanton Schools
24 Fourth Street
Swanton, VT  05488

--- Karen Reinhardt <[log in to unmask]>

> ** High Priority **
> Hi All--
> Has anyone done work re: math "power standards" (and
> I use that term generally)? Teachers in my district
> are not getting to all the units in our math
> program, and some teachers put different levels of
> emphasis on different concepts/units. We want to
> clarify the absolutes at each grade level, and the
> "nice to knows," which will then inform our
> development of local math assessments. We're doing
> some work with the NCTM Focal Points, and I was
> wondering if anyone else had done work like this we
> might learn from. I'd appreciate anything anyone has
> to share.
> Thanks!
> Karen Reinhardt
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