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October 2009


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"Roger Bombardier Jr." <[log in to unmask]>
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Discussions about Mobile Devices <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 7 Oct 2009 14:44:52 -0400
text/plain (39 lines)
Hi Theresa,
as you probably know, Outlook is not currently supported for Calendar at 
UVM, but I am happy to look at your device to see what I can do.

email me off list and we'll make arrangements to link up.


Therese Donovan wrote:
> HI Roger,
> Are you a person who could help me with some synchronization issues I 
> am having between Outlook and Blackberry?  For some reason, my outlook 
> calendar has deleted a bunch of records that are currently on the 
> blackberry device. I need to sync them, but when I try to do that it 
> asks if I should delete the existing BB records to match Outlook.  The 
> issue seems to be that I need to have data flow from the BB to Outlook 
> for some periods of time, and from Outlook to BB for other periods.
> Thank you for your consideration.
> Terri Donovan
> Roger Bombardier Jr. wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> FYI,
>> I have noticed that when syncing my tour that I seem to have 
>> connection issues if I try to use the usb ports on the front of my 
>> Dell optiplex (windows 7).  Meaning my desktop software sees the 
>> device, then suddenly does not, and then will again upon reboot.
>> Whereas the USB ports on the back of the machine seem to work just 
>> fine.  Be warned if you have a similar machine or device.
>> Also noticed that version v5.0 of the desktop software (Blackberry) 
>> is in auto update.
>> -R