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October 2009


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Therese Donovan <[log in to unmask]>
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Discussions about Mobile Devices <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 7 Oct 2009 13:05:22 -0400
text/plain (31 lines)
HI Roger,

Are you a person who could help me with some synchronization issues I am 
having between Outlook and Blackberry?  For some reason, my outlook 
calendar has deleted a bunch of records that are currently on the 
blackberry device. I need to sync them, but when I try to do that it 
asks if I should delete the existing BB records to match Outlook.  The 
issue seems to be that I need to have data flow from the BB to Outlook 
for some periods of time, and from Outlook to BB for other periods. 

Thank you for your consideration.
Terri Donovan

Roger Bombardier Jr. wrote:
> Greetings,
> FYI,
> I have noticed that when syncing my tour that I seem to have 
> connection issues if I try to use the usb ports on the front of my 
> Dell optiplex (windows 7).  Meaning my desktop software sees the 
> device, then suddenly does not, and then will again upon reboot.
> Whereas the USB ports on the back of the machine seem to work just 
> fine.  Be warned if you have a similar machine or device.
> Also noticed that version v5.0 of the desktop software (Blackberry) is 
> in auto update.
> -R