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April 2010


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Lorie Clairmont <[log in to unmask]>
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Discussions about Mobile Devices <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Apr 2010 08:16:32 -0400
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Hi Kent,

I will be a "guinea pig" if you still need some.  If it's going to 
happen anyway, I might as well learn it before everyone else in my 
department.  Then I can help them when they have to be rolled over.


On 4/2/2010 11:21 AM, Kent Saunders wrote:
> I am seeking courageous BlackBerry/NotifyLink users who would like to 
> become early adopters of a new email server that is being deployed.  
> If you'd like to participate, continue reading.
> Enterprise Technology Services is in the process of updating UVM's 
> central email server with a newer release of software.  This will 
> provide for faster access to email, multiple simultaneous access to 
> mail boxes and better searching capabilities.  Eventually this will be 
> systematically rolled out to every email account at UVM.  It's 
> currently in its early phases and some kinks are still being worked 
> out and monitored.
> Early testing has highlighted two issues:
> 1) During the conversion of your mailbox, NotifyLink removes all (or 
> most) existing mail from your BlackBerry.  Once the conversion is 
> done, new mail arrives normally.
> 2) If you use folder subscriptions, you might have to re-subscribe.  
> We have been working on this bug, and think it's been resolved, but 
> further testing is necessary before we can confirm it's no longer a 
> possible issue.
> Performing the conversion only takes a couple minutes.  If you'd like 
> to volunteer your account for early adoption, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> *Kent Saunders*
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /Sr. Systems Administrator
> Enterprise Technology Services
> University of Vermont
> Office: (802) 656-0456
> Email: [log in to unmask]
> /