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August 1999


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"Linda L. Spence, CMC/CVC" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Municipal Government Discussion Network <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 6 Aug 1999 08:01:13 -0400
text/plain (17 lines)

My predecesor set the tone by writing the decisions herself.  I started out
following in her footsteps, but I'm going to try and get out of doing the
decisions.  On page 21 of  A Handbook On Property Tax Appeals section N.
The Decision, it states that "the board has only 15 days to certify its
notice of decision, with reasons, in writing and to file this notice with
the Town Clerk to be added to the grand list book."  To me, that means that
the Clerk does not write up the decision.  It goes on to say, on page 23,
"assign the best writer on the board to draft the decision, or parcel out
the decisions to a number of members."  I'm quite sure that my board will
be resistant to my suggested change in the status quo procedure, but the
Clerk already has enough to do with appeals.  Perhaps you should contact
Deb Markowitz and ask her to issue an opinion to you in writing regarding
this.  Seeing it on paper sometimes helps people to realize that you're not
just trying to get of doing the work.  Good luck!!  Linda Spence.