We have a master lock system which works well and limits access to different floors of the municipal building, but it seems everyone has a key:
5 selectmen
Chairs of:
Plannning Commission
P.C. secretary
Development Review Board
Land Trust
Chair - Village Trustees
2 Listers
Town Clerk & 2 assistants
Zoning administrator
Manager of fiscal services and her assistant
Cleaning folks
Mary Ann
-----Original Message-----
From: Victoria Young <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, April 03, 2000 1:01 PM
Subject: Keys to Town Office
Hi All from Bridgewater,
The Town Clerk and I are doing a little research on Town Clerk's offices.
Who has keys to your Town Office?
Thanks for your responses.
Vicky @ Bridgewater