We are in the process of starting a municipal web
site in Montgomery. This is what we've done / learned
so far:
1. You'll need a domain name. You can get a .gov
domain name for free at although the
government reserves the right to charge at a future
date. Our domain name will be
Other domain names (.com, .us, etc) generally cost
$15/year or more.
2. You'll need a host. Initially we intend to use
the free "incubation" hosting provided by the State.
Most commercial hosters seem to charge about
3. You'll need the help of a web site designer.
Shop around some of the sites listed at the Secretary
of State's sight ( and find
one you like. It will help you figure out what you
want yours to look like. This will help bound the
designer's work.
4. I can't answer any questions yet about software
because we haven't got that far.
I too am concerned about having the time and skill
to keep the site updated. Think it will be critical
if we want people to use it.
We also are concerned we don't create work for folks
that already have too little time, i.e. duplicating
procedures or effort to create web content. We are
going to try to keep it simple and also just take baby
steps to expand/evolve the sight.
Let me know if I can help with any other questions.
Hope this helps,
Scott Perry
Montgomery Selectboard
[log in to unmask]
--- William Sawyer <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Joanne,
> The GovOffice option does seem to be a good one for
> you or any other
> municipal office seeking a web presence. Their
> template will help you deal
> with many of the formatting and layout issues
> associated with a website,
> while still allowing you to give it your own look.
> Some examples of
> GovOffice sites are: Middlebury at
> Westminster at,
> and Georgia at
> If you want to try a website out without having to
> pay a fee right away,
> the Secretary of State's Office and the Center for
> Rural Studies have an
> agreement to host official municipal websites for
> free for an incubation
> period at"your town".
> Contact David Deutl at
> [log in to unmask] for more info on that option.
> Please email me ([log in to unmask]) if you have
> any other questions.
> We do have some tips for municipal e-government at
> CRS. One that I would
> stress is that you make sure your office designates
> someone with the time
> and skill to keep the website up to date. Can't
> stress that enough.
> Have fun!
> Information Outreach Coordinator
> Center for Rural Studies
> 207 Morrill Hall
> University of Vermont
> Burlington, VT 05405
> Phone: 802-656-0892
> FAX: 802-656-4975
> Email: [log in to unmask]
> On Thu, 15 May 2003 10:39:18 -0400, Dominic Cloud
> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >Joanne --
> >
> >You may want to try GovOffice (
> <>
> >). They are pretty affordable and you can do much
> of the management
> >yourself. Here is their pricing sheet.
> >
> >* The monthly charge covers hosting costs for
> websites of unlimited size,
> as
> >well as upgrades and most assistance from Avenet's
> Customer Service Center.
> >Design changes conducted through the Customer
> Service Center are billed at
> a
> >rate of $60/hour and custom development work is
> billed at a rate of
> >$100/hour. These services are available to cities
> of all sizes.
> >
> >Dominic Cloud
> >Manager, Municipal Assistance Center
> >Vermont League of Cities and Towns
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Barbara Acuna
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> >Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 10:23 AM
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: Homepages
> >
> >
> >We are discussing putting Reading on the web. Does
> anyone have
> >recommendations re: soft ware, experienced
> companies, difficulties
> >up-dating, etc.? Thank You, Joanne, (assistant
> town clerk)
> >
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