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August 1999


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Vermont Municipal Government Discussion Network <[log in to unmask]>
Peter Brownell <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 11:28:57 -0400
Vermont Municipal Government Discussion Network <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (86 lines)
Hi All,

Your friendly listserv administrator here.  It is really great to see
people are starting to use the list for regular communication and to share
questions and advice. It is a treat to see it working.  The more you use
it the better it will be.

Dencie Mitchell from Grand Isle did a great job getting several people to
join the list.  There are a few new people every week.  This is a list of
the 59 people subscribed to the MuniNet listserv now:

[log in to unmask]            Barbara Breen
[log in to unmask]                  Bill Cimonetti
[log in to unmask]               Gilbert Whittemore
[log in to unmask]                  Jim Condos
[log in to unmask]                    Charlotte Vincent
[log in to unmask]    Ken Nolan
[log in to unmask]              Dencie L. Mitchell
[log in to unmask]                Nancy Bradford
[log in to unmask]              Town Clerk, Ludlow, VT
[log in to unmask]            Velma Godfrey
[log in to unmask]             Town of Worcester
[log in to unmask]                     Robb Cutler
[log in to unmask]             Carolyn Smith
[log in to unmask]             Tim Maniccia
[log in to unmask]            Mary Ann Wilson
[log in to unmask]         Marshfield Town Clerk
[log in to unmask]           Deborah Markowitz
[log in to unmask]         Gregory Sanford
[log in to unmask]                  Barbara Oles
[log in to unmask]                Lori Shaw
[log in to unmask]                   David Deen
[log in to unmask]               David Deen
[log in to unmask]               Frances Renaud
[log in to unmask]                   Hull Maynard
[log in to unmask]               Linda Spence
[log in to unmask]               Patty Smith
[log in to unmask]                Bob Emery
[log in to unmask]                Marie Betterley
[log in to unmask]                Jeff Wittemore
[log in to unmask]               Sandra B. Harris cvc
[log in to unmask]       Jeannine Bennett
[log in to unmask]       Karen Richard
[log in to unmask]        Wendy Eramo
[log in to unmask]          Joanne McDonnell
[log in to unmask]           Mary Jane Grace
[log in to unmask]         Tinmouth TAX
[log in to unmask]         Vershire TAX
[log in to unmask]            Suzanne LaBombard
[log in to unmask]             Margaret Picard, city clerk So Burlington
[log in to unmask]             Robert B. Lee
[log in to unmask]             Colleen Haag
[log in to unmask]             - Town of Hinesburg
[log in to unmask]            Frena Phillips
[log in to unmask]            Town of Weybridge
[log in to unmask]         Ian Smith
[log in to unmask]       John Cushing
[log in to unmask]        Paulette M. LaFond
[log in to unmask]        Judy Hansen
[log in to unmask]           Pattie Mccoy
[log in to unmask]                  Molly Dugan
[log in to unmask]                    Priscilla Fox
[log in to unmask]                Steven Jeffrey
[log in to unmask]       Deborah Beckett
[log in to unmask]       Richard McGuire
[log in to unmask]          Chuck Hafter
[log in to unmask]          P.J. Coon
[log in to unmask] Joyce Barbieri
[log in to unmask]              Amy Gilman
[log in to unmask]             Peter Brownell
* Total number of users subscribed to the list:     59


Peter Brownell                              EMail: [log in to unmask]
University of Vermont                       Phone: 802-656-5711
Department of Continuing Education          FAX  : 802-656-1347
460 South Prospect St, Burlington VT 05401  WEB  :