VLCT Workshop of Municipal Clerks and TreasurersBrian - It appears to be a good program. However, there have also been 3 other relevent workshops within the last two weeks which means I will have to pass it up. Perhaps it could be re-offered at a less conflicting time? MWasung, Townshend Treasurer
----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Monaghan
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 12:49 PM
Subject: VLCT Workshop of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers
To Vermont Clerks, Treasurers, Assistant Clerks, and Assistant Treasurers:
VLCT will be holding its Workshop for Municipal Clerks and Treasurers this Thursday, May 8th, at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Montpelier.
There will be a diverse group of speakers discussing a number of contemporary issues pertaining to municipal clerks, treasurers, and assistants.
Please scroll down for the agenda.
This workshop is designed to provide continuing education and training for new and experienced municipal clerks and treasurers. For the roundtable discussion, we are asking all participants to fill out the enclosed form by providing two scenarios/questions regarding town clerk and/or treasurer responsibilities. The form should be returned to VLCT with the registration fee. We look forward to seeing you there!
8:30 a.m. Registration
9:00 a.m. Welcome and Overview of VLCT's Municipal Assistance Center
Dominic Cloud, Manager, Municipal Assistance Center
9:10 a.m. The Help America Vote Act and What it Means for Vermont
In 2002, Congress passed the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) in order to improve the administration of federal elections. The result was various types of funding and a some specific mandates that need to be met prior to the general elections of 2004 and 2006. This workshop will explain the requirements of HAVA and the opportunities and challenges this new legislation presents for Vermont.
Deb Markowitz, Secretary of State and Kathy DeWolfe, Director of Elections
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. The Municipal Clerk/Treasurers Roundtable
Experienced municipal clerks and treasurers will answer your questions and share some tricks of the trade on such topics as purging the voter checklist, fish and game licensing, payroll administration, and any other questions you may have.
John Cushing, Milton; Nicole Daigle, Derby; Pattie McCoy, Poultney; Joyce Mazzucco, Randolph. All panelists are Clerk / Treasurers.
12:00 noon Lunch
1:00 p.m E - Government and the Municipal Clerk's Office
Has your town created a website to assist you in your work? If not, are you thinking about it now? This is a forum to discuss everything from how to create a town website to what features to put on it. Come prepared to share your questions and experiences.
Chip Sawyer - UVM Center for Rural Studies
2:00 p.m. Break
2:15 p.m. Legislative Update: The speakers conducting this session will summarize legislation relevant to municipal clerks and treasurers that is either being considered or has been enacted during the 2003 legislative session.
Todd Odit - Vermont League of Cities and Towns
John Cushing, Chair, VMCTA Legislative Committee
3:15 p.m. Safe Trip Home
Brian P. Monaghan
Staff Attorney
Vermont League of Cities and Towns
Municipal Assistance Center
(802) 229-9111