Benson was open. I have a great husband that can drive thru anything. I need
to dispatch the town crew so I was here Wed. and Thurs, closed on Fridays.
Hope this helps.
Jan Ladd, Clerk/Treasurer
Quoting Melissa Ross <[log in to unmask]>:
> Hello- I was wondering how other towns were dealing with the situation of
> days taken off due to the snowstorm last week. We decided to close town
> hall on Weds, and then people also couldn't get in on Thursday bacause some
> were snowed in and our parking lot had 3 feet of snow in it until 3 pm. The
> question is this: Do employees have to use vacation time for these days, or
> should they be paid time off and considered beyond their control. I am a
> believer in the second option as I don't think employees had a choice in the
> matter. Just wondering how other towns are handling this in terms of
> payroll. Thanks!! Missy