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April 2000


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Kathy DeWolfe <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Municipal Government Discussion Network <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 Apr 2000 08:06:15 -0400
text/plain (25 lines)
Good Morning, Vicky.  Yes, a Town  can change the way it votes
on Articles at Town Meeting without being a "charter town".  Look
at 17 V.S.A. §2680.  The Vermont Statutes are available on line at
<> and click on the green Vermont Statute
online off to the left.  Then click on Vermont Statutes by Title.  Go
to Title 17 and click, then scroll down to the section.

If your town is currently voting by voice, then it is a voice vote to
decide to vote in future meetings by Australian ballot.  A town can
vote to do any of the following by Australian ballot:  election of
officers, budget, all public questions or specific public questions.
Please look at the statute and if you have any questions you can
call me at 828-2304.

Best Wishes, Kathy DeWolfe

On 6 Apr 00, at 15:50, Victoria Young wrote:

> Question of the day- - -
> Can a Town change its Town Meeting day to an Australian Ballot vote w/a pre-Town meeting held on the first Monday of march and the vote done on the first Tuesday if it is not a "Chartered" town? Can this be voted on by a voice vote or does it have to be voted by Australian ballot?
> Hope this isn't too confusing.
> Thanks,
> Vicky @ Bridgewater