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August 1999


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maryzuber <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Municipal Government Discussion Network <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 16:37:36 -0400
text/plain (49 lines)

If I am correct - Vt statutes state that Town Clerk is to record
what she has received - as we are not lawyers, we cannot make
the decision as to record or not to record. I would have him
immediately prepare an addendum page to the document, referencing
an error and record immediately after the erroneous document.
A document is considered to be recorded when we receive same
time and date stamp it in. Any corrections must be in the form of a
new document. Corrective Deed
Perhaps Deb Markowitz is the best one to ask.
I just had one that had the incorrect boundry descriptions
on it - so the attorney prepared a new description page
correcting same and gave it to me the following day.
I told him about the error and that the corrective deed
would not immediately follow the other document since
there were others received in the interim.
Good  question

Have a great weekend (I get to do site visits)  and
prepare for the next Tuesday BCA appeal  hearings.
Haven't even thought about  "the great  purge of the
checklist"!  Not high on my priority list.
Water emergency in town, phone ringing off the hook
BCA appeals, have to get Tax bills out before Sept l0
but you know that's what keeps us young - SURE
Mary Zuber  - Hinesburg

> From: Marshfield Town Clerk <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: My weekly recording question
> Date: Friday, August 27, 1999 2:30 PM
> I need more town clerking advice.   A lawyer brought in a package of
> etc. for recording.  After he left, I noticed an error on one of the
> documents (he used the word grantee when he should have used grantor).  I
> called and told him, and he wants to come in and change and initial the
> document before I record it.  Is it too late?  I have received it, so it
> technically on record, but it isn't physically recorded in the land
> yet.  Would you let him change it, or record it as is and make him record
> correction?
> Bobbi