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January 2011


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Bennington Town Clerk's Office <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont Municipal Government Discussion Network <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 Jan 2011 11:43:54 -0500
text/plain (26 lines)
Ok, so I get how the new online system works but apparently it is not
required so sometimes we may receive the old 4-page forms, which I also
expect a lot of with our Do-It-yourself Mobile Home sales.  With that said,
I have a couple of questions/clarifications about old forms received now:

1.  I heard (or read) somewhere that the PTR is to be an original, not
copies, maybe because of the barcode.  I have attorneys bringing in an
original signature PTR but on a scanned and copied PTR form.  Is that ok?
Because apparently, they have ordered forms from the Tax Dept and have
received none or only a small shipment of their order.

2.  Along with the PTR we received a voucher, even though no tax was due.
Do we need to retain this voucher?  The attorney wasn't sure and only gave
it to me because it printed out with the PTR form.

Thanks to anyone that can answer!

Cassandra J. Barbeau
Assistant Town Clerk
Bennington, VT  05201
(802) 442-1043
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