February 2006


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Beth Holtzman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Vermont New Farmer Network <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Feb 2006 13:36:35 -0500
text/plain (58 lines)
>>For Immediate Release
>>Colchester, VT February 13, 2006....State Conservationist Judith M.
>>Doerner of USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) today
>>announced a new deadline for applications to the Agricultural Management
>>Assistance Program (AMA).  The deadline for applications is April 3,
>>The proposed AMA program priorities for 2006 are transition to organic
>>agriculture, agriculture diversification, water conservation through the
>>installation of efficient irrigation systems or improving existing
>>irrigation that will result in a net water savings. Stream bank
>>stabilization on critically eroding banks will be considered as funding
>>Program limitations for this AMA application process (including any crop
>>insurance [RMA] and [AMS] $500 Organic Certification Payment) are
>>$50,000 per person per fiscal year.  However, even with a $50,000
>>contract limit, producers might be eligible to receive AMA funding and
>>combine it with that from the Vermont Agency of Agriculture or another
>>partner to install additional components as needed.
>>Those who are applying for Stream Bank Stabilization are required to
>>have a stream assessment conducted to ensure the project area is
>>appropriate for the proposed treatment.  Only the most critical stream
>>bank stabilization project will be considered if funds are available.
>>  The AMA helps producers adopt conservation practices that will reduce
>>or mitigate environmental risks to their agricultural enterprises.
>>Funds provide cost-share assistance to agricultural producers to address
>>management concerns linked to water quantity, water quality and erosion
>>control issues by implementing conservation practices to, promote
>>agricultural diversification, assist in the transition to organic
>>agriculture, install efficient irrigation and update irrigation systems
>>to show a net savings of water used and protect severely eroding stream
>>banks.    Water quality is one of Vermont's highest natural resource
>>              For more information on AMA go to the web site at:
>> or contact your local NRCS field
>>office at the USDA Service Center.

Beth Holtzman
Women's Agricultural Network

617 Comstock Rd.
Berlin, VT 05602

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802-223-2389 ext. 15