December 2008


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Vermont New Farmer Network <[log in to unmask]>
Beth Holtzman <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Dec 2008 14:34:58 -0500
Vermont New Farmer Network <[log in to unmask]>
Hello Friends and Colleagues

Please help WAgN get the word out about this upcoming opportunity to any
farmers you work with who might benefit. A short announcement is below 
in the body of the message, and a longer news release is attached.


Mary Peabody & Beth Holtzman
*Growing Places - Exploring the opportunities and realities of an
agriculturally based business.
*January 14, 21, & 28 (with Feb. 4 as a possible snow date), Springfield, VT

The University of Vermont Extension Women’s Agricultural Network will
offer a Southern Vermont session of Growing Places, a non-credit course
for people interested in starting or expanding an agricultural business.
The course will start January 14 in Springfield. Growing Places
participants develop goals for themselves and their businesses, become
more familiar with financing options, identify and evaluate available
resources, examine marketing strategies, and learn about agencies and
organizations that provide support and assistance to farmers.

Growing Places is open to anyone. Registration is on a first-come,
first-served basis. The course will run from 9:30 am to 3 pm on
Wednesdays January 14, 21, and 28. February 4 is also being held as a
possible class date in case weather conditions force a cancellation on
one of the earlier dates. Tuition is $125, but there is a $25 discount
for people who register by the early bird deadline of December 19. The
regular registration deadline is January 7.

Additionally, limited scholarship assistance is available to qualified
individuals. For more information and to obtain registration materials,
visit WAgN’s website at <>. Or,
contact WAgN Outreach Coordinator Beth Holtzman at 802-223-2389 or
toll-free in Vermont at 866-860-1382.

Growing Places is offered by the Women’s Agricultural Network (WAgN) a
program of University of Vermont Extension supported by the Outreach and
Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Competitive
Grants Program of the Cooperative State Research, Education and
Extension Service, USDA and the USDA Risk Management Agency. UVM
Extension and USDA, cooperating, offer education and employment to
everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age,
disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation and marital or
familial status. If you require special accommodations to participate in
this program please call 802-223-2389x15 by December 19, 2008.