Hi Allen (and all)--
We did not set a date for the next meeting, since the Center's new employee
Ben Waterman (welcome, again!) will be taking over the scheduling and
coordination of NFN meetings, and Ben officially starts work mid August.
So...I presume our next quarterly meeting will be scheduled for sometime in
September, but the actual date will be determined later.
Jennifer Colby
Interim New Farmer Network Coordinator and
Outreach Coordinator, Vermont Pasture Network at the
UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture
106 High Point Center
Colchester, VT 05446-8800
(802) 656-0858 business office
(802) 728-2045 home office
(802) 656-8874 fax
Join the VPN listserv at:
Check out VPN's blog at:
-----Original Message-----
From: Vermont New Farmer Network [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Allen Matthews
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 2:49 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Minutes and Attachments from the 6/24/08 New Farmer Network
Quarterly Meeting
Jenn, my question was about a date for a "next" meeting , I'm sure it
will also be "neat". Sorry for the typo.
Allen Matthews wrote:
> Jenn, did you set a neat meeting?
> Allen
> Jennifer Colby wrote:
>> Great meeting Tuesday!
>> Attached are the minutes of the meeting, with updates and some targeted
>> areas to think about in future planning. Also attached are survey
>> results
>> from the VT Agency of Ag's VTer Poll questions, the Intervale Center's
>> project, and a food survey being conducted later this summer by VAAFM.
>> One occasion that definitely bears public announcement: Ben Waterman has
>> joined the UVM Center for Sustainable Ag as the Beginning Farmer and Land
>> Access Coordinator, and will be officially starting in August. Please
>> join
>> me in welcoming Ben, who is a new farmer developing a berry farm in
>> Johnson.
>> We look forward to seeing you all in the fall!
>> Best,
>> Jenn
>> Jennifer Colby
>> Interim New Farmer Network Coordinator and
>> Outreach Coordinator, Vermont Pasture Network at the
>> UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture
>> 106 High Point Center
>> Colchester, VT 05446-8800
>> (802) 656-0858 business office
>> (802) 728-2045 home office
>> (802) 656-8874 fax
>> Join the VPN listserv at:
>> www.uvm.edu/pasture
>> Check out VPN's blog at:
>> http://pasture.blog.uvm.edu/