NR1034 Archives

April 1996


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"Susan E. Cobb" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Apr 1996 14:32:24 -0400 (EDT)
TEXT/PLAIN (26 lines)
Hi NR103 people,
I just wanted to remind you to please check the grade sheet posted on the 
network.  With a large class and multiple assignments, mistakes will 
happen, and I'd like to be sure everyone gets proper credit for their 
work this semester.  Just let me or Dennis or Lisa know if you find an 
error, and we'll take care of it.  

Also, there are two review sessions scheduled for the final: the first, 
this Thursday, May 2 at 11 am; the second, Wednesday, May 8 at 3 pm.  The 
first review session will be in 116/117 unless 105 is empty when we're 
ready to start.  The second session will be in 105. Come and bring your 

As I've mentioned in class, the final will be (I hope) a maximum of 2 
hours long.  Half will be on new material, and half will be comprehensive, 
including material from the last two tests.  There are review sheets outside 
219 for all the new material.  Use your old exams to guide your review of 
previous material.  If you have questions, bring them to the review 
session or stop by my office (342 Aiken)--I'll be around most of the time.

Good luck, and thanks for your input on the Self Evaluations.  You gave 
me a lot to think about.  Thanks.
