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Edith Fogarty <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 7 Sep 2017 10:27:39 -0400
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This is probably a ridiculous question to ask, but this is where my school

What are schools using as a database for student info?  We are looking
beyond the contact info to local testing data, referrals to SpEd, SBAC,
possibly discipline data.  Since we are an elementary school using
Standards Based grading, we currently use the basics of MMS for student
contact info, but that is all.  Does MMS have these capabilities?  Does
VCAT?  Does PowerSchool?  What else is out there?


Edith Fogarty, M.Ed
Technology Integration Facilitator
Bradford Elementary School
143 Fairground Rd
Bradford, VT 05033
802.222.4077 x281
802.222.5196 fax

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