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Joanne Finnegan <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Sep 2000 07:46:02 -0400
text/plain (19 lines)
I have cleaned out all my old Apple "stuff" and have a pile ready to get
dumped.  No room for storage so it has to go soon!  I have:

5 - 6  Apple IIE computers
6 - 7 Image writer printers
Boxes and boxes of software for Apple IIE and Apple II GS
Manuals, cables, etc.

We also have:

About 100 token ring network cards
9 - 10 token ring hubs

If interested, contact me immediately -- I'm getting nagged to get this
stuff out of the school and the only other option is dumping it.

Joanne Finnegan, Technology Coordinator
Richmond/Jericho Elementary Schools, Vermont