December 1998


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Eric A Entemann <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Science for the People Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 11:02:46 EST
text/plain (121 lines)
Dear friends,

       I hope you will consider signing the following petition:

Subject:  Petition to cancel foreign debt of Honduras and Nicaragua

This is an electronic petition.  Please sign and send on to others even
you do not sign.  Thank you.



"The debt is immoral, it's a sin.  It was an obstacle to development and
to democratization before the storm, and now after Hurricane Mitch it
must be canceled.  The debt of both Honduras and Nicaragua must be wiped
clean if we're to have any hope for the future. We'll never rebuild
Central America with the debt resting on our backs"

Noemi Espinoza, Executive President of the Christian Commission for
Development in Honduras speaks for the survivors of the worst calamity
Central Americans have ever had to endure, but her words should be
reflected in the hearts and minds of people everywhere who believe that
the poor must not be forgotten, that they also have the right to rebuild
their lives, their communities, their nations.  Honduras and Nicaragua
owe $4.2 billion and $6 billion respectively.
Honduras and Nicaragua must have the means for reconstruction!

A resolution follows:

WHEREAS:  We affirm and promote the inherent worth and right of all
nations to survive in dignity and believe all nations should have the
means to do so; and

WHEREAS: We commend all the efforts of people and organizations all
 around the world that are now helping Hondurans and Nicaraguans to
 survive, and attain their legitimate right to life, liberty and the
pursuit of
 happiness; and

WHEREAS: we support all the actions that contribute to end the suffering
of the peoples of Central America.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That we hereby urge the United States
 Government to cancel the foreign debt of Honduras and Nicaragua.  Your
 voice can be heard.

Please add your name to this petition and forward it to your friends and
associations with whom you are affiliated who believe in what it stands
for. The petition will then be forwarded to the President of the United
States, the Vice President of the United States, and the United States
Senators and House Members.

Petition Management: This petition is being passed around the Internet.
Please add your name to it so that the people of Honduras and Nicaragua
have a second chance to organize their lives and communities.
Please keep the petition going.  Do not reply to us.  Please sign and
forward to others to sign.

2.   If you print out this petition for signing, please email the listing
of names with locations to the email address:
[log in to unmask]

Include a note to indicate if you have a hand-signed petition and include
the number of names listed.

3.   If you happen to be the 100th, 200th, or 300th signer of this
petition, please forward a copy to the e-mail address: [log in to unmask]

4.   If you sign, please pass it on to others.  If not, please do not
it: send it to the e-mail address:  [log in to unmask]

Thanks for your solidarity.

Honduran Student Association and Friends
c/o Latin American Studies Program
190 Uris Hall, Tower Road
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

Sign here:
1. Breny Mendoza
2. Max J. Pfeffer, Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
3. Jose Garcia, Graduate Student, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
4. Stefan D. Cherry, Graduate Student, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
5. Ilse Ackerman, Ithaca, NY
6. Anje Ackerman, Harrisonburg, VA
7. Kirsten Beachy, Harrisonburg, VA
8. Espri Beauregard
9. Jonathan Horst, Goshen College
10. J. Daniel Hess; Lancaster, PA
11. Dwayne Wenger Hess, Baltimore, MD
12. Andrea Wenger Hess, Baltimore, MD
13. Melissa Kauffman Schrock, Lombard, IL
14. Doug Amstutz, Scottdale, PA
15. Wanda Roth Amstutz, Scottdale, PA
16. J. Lorne Peachey, Scottdale, PA
17. Donella M. Clemens, Souderton, PA
18. Noel Santiago, Souderton, PA
19. Carolyn Schrock-Shenk, Lancaster, PA
20. Philip Brubaker, Akron, PA
21. Jonathan Haggard, Philadelphia, PA
22. Winnie Haggard, Philadelphia, PA
23. Donald Hoff, Pine City, NY
24. Jimmy Creech, Raleigh, NC
25. Harry C. Kiely, MD
26. Nan McCurdy, Managua, Nicaragua
27. Margaret C. Campbell, Managua, Nicaragua
28. Gary Campbell, Managua, Nicaragua
29. Beatrice Nava, New York, NY
30.  Nancy Teel,  Milton, MA.
31.  Eric Entemann, Medford, MA

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