November 2011


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Mitchel Cohen <[log in to unmask]>
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Science for the People Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Nov 2011 16:22:13 -0400
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I'm inviting you to attend the Brooklyn Solid Waste Advisory Board 
meeting on Monday, in Brooklyn's Boro Hall, at 6:30 pm on Monday, 
Nov. 7. This month's discussion will be on intense incineration of 
garbage, a technology somewhat euphemistically called "gasification". 
Only 6 or 7 people attend regularly, everyone is friendly, and it's a 
very good opportunity to learn, to question, and to let your opinion 
help guide the Board in arriving at a decision.

If you have already formed an informed opinion on this, please get it 
to me, so I can make sure it is represented at this meeting.

- Mitchel

Brooklyn Solid Waste Advisory Board

Place:  Brooklyn Borough Hall
          209 Joralemon Street
Date:   Monday, November 7, 2011
Time:   6:30pm

Approval of Agenda


Over the next three or four months the S.W.A.B. will present a series 
of events in honor of Adeline Michaels who recently passed 
away.  Adeline was an energetic, dedicated and outspoken member of 
the Brooklyn S.W.A.B. for many years, and was the first among us to 
encourage a fair hearing for the disposal of NYC municipal solid 
waste through the process of gasification as opposed to export to 
landfills or incineration.

We will discuss this process at a time of growing global energy 
demand, accelerating emissions of greenhouse gasses, the increasing 
rate of climate change and what has come to be know as "extreme" 
fossil fuel extractions; i.e., mountain top removal for coal, 
hydro-fracking for gas and the most polluting and dangerous of all, 
tar sands extraction of oil.

Guest:     Ken Foladare, from Chinook Energy Group in Chester, NJ, 
will speak with us about
                   his company's success in converting MSW to energy 
or fuel through several
                   operational gasification facilities. Our 
discussion will cover financing, project
                   footprints, toxic emissions, impact on recycling, 
and much more.

                   Please join us for what promises to be an exciting 
and timely discussion made even
                   more so by the devastating nuclear events in 
Fukushima, the growing disillusionment
                   with nuclear energy in general and the request by 
Entergy for a 20-year operating
                   extension for the nearly identical nuclear 
facility at Indian Point serving NYC.  Add
                   to this, the ever increasing tipping fees and 
diminishing available landfills for New
                  York City's exported waste.

FRIENDS                    BRING QUESTIONS.

Open Discussion

Chair Report:

Active participation in the Brooklyn S.W.A.B. is encouraged.

For more information please call Ken Diamondstone at (718) 522-5437 
or Nancy Walby at (718) 258-2701.

Ring the bells that still can ring,  Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack, a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in.
~ Leonard Cohen