July 2007


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Mitchel Cohen <[log in to unmask]>
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Science for the People Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Jul 2007 15:39:15 -0400
text/plain (620 lines)
From: [log in to unmask]

For those of you who don't receive the Fluoride 
Action Network bulletins, Dr. Paul Connett 
(<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]) 
is asking for more professionals (PhD, MD, DMD, 
DDS, JD, ND, DO  etc. or who have other medical 
qualification (e.g. RN), or Water Department 
employees or who have a full-time appointment 
with an environmental organization) to sign  the 
below Professionals' statement to end water 
fluoridation. If you or someone you know is 
willing to do so, please send names and 
credentials to Dr. Connett with a copy to us 
(<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]) .

Carol K
New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.


FAN Bulletin 830: Professionals opposed to fluoridation

July 5, 2007

Dear All,

In an effort to silence once and for all the 
claim by fluoridation promoters that those 
opposed to fluoridation are merely a bunch of 
untrained people peddling "junk science" we are 
in the process of gathering signers onto a 
Professionals’ statement  calling for an end to water fluoridation (see below).

We think this statement will be helpful for any 
individual or group fighting fluoridation (but 
please wait until the official release date of 
August 1 before you use it publicly), as well as 
giving us much more clout when we are trying to 
bring this issue to the attention of Members of 
Congress, the media and national organizations.

We have been thrilled with the response we have 
already received in just a few days of effort. We 
already have over 80 professionals from different 
fields (medical, dental, academic, legal and environmental).

We have a terrific representation from around the 
world (important as we discover the insidious 
efforts to get fluoridation in countries as far 
apart as the Isle of Man and Yemen). So far we 
have signers from Australia, Austria, Belgium, 
Canada, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, 
Northern Ireland, Scotland and the US.

We have already have many distinguished members 
of the medical and dental community signing on, 
including a former Federal Minister of Health 
from Australia, as well as leading figures from 
the environmental movement including Ken Cook 
(EWG), Pat Costner, Peter Montague, Brent Foster and many others.

And last, but not least, also signing are three 
members (Dr. Robert Issacson, Dr. Hardy Limeback 
and Dr. Kathleen Thiessen) from the incredibly 
important NRC panel which published the 
groundbreaking review of fluoride’s toxicity last 
year (NRC, 2006). These join familiar names who 
have been engaged in this issue for many years: 
Dr. Albert Burgstahler, Dr. Robert Carton, Dr. 
William Hirzy, Dr. Bruce Spittle, Dr. Mark 
Diesendorf, Dr. David Kennedy, Dr. Tohru 
Murakami, Dr. Bill Osmunson, John Remington 
Graham and Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Rudolf Ziegelbecker, to name just a few.

We have many other invitations in the works, but 
while we are waiting we would like to recruit the 
efforts of all of you on this bulletin list. Do 
you a have a higher degree (PhD, MD, DMD, DDS, 
JD, ND, DO  etc) or other medical qualification 
(e.g. RN), or do you work for Water Department or 
do you hold a full-time appointment with an 
environmental organization? Actually as you read 
through the list of current signers below you 
will get the idea of what we are looking for.

Or do you know someone else who fits the bill?

If you, or any of your contacts, would like to 
sign on, then all you, or they, have to do is to 
send me an email <[log in to unmask]> with your
Full name, degree, position in a relevant 
organization, town, state and country of 
residence. You may also wish to add one sentence 
as to why you oppose this practice. See examples below the signers.

For me this ever growing list will be the rock on 
which we will build the rest of our campaign to 
rid the world of this foolish practice.

Thanks you for any help you can give on this.

Paul Connett

PS Over 50,000 people have now viewed "The 
Fluoride Deception" and nearly another 20,000 
have viewed the six other fluoride videos on 
Google video. These are all easily accessible via 
our home page 
and don’t forget to keep clicking on "Latest 
News" on the home page for articles from around 
the country and around the world on this subject.

Health, Scientific and Environmental 
Professionals call for an End to Water Fluoridation


Water fluoridation involves adding various 
fluoride chemicals to the public water supply at 
a concentration of 1 ppm (1 part per million or 1 
milligram per liter), ostensibly to fight tooth 
decay. 1 ppm may seem small, but it is actually 
250 times greater than the level of fluoride in mother’s milk, 0.004 ppm.

Once fluoride is put into the public water 
supply, the dose cannot be controlled and it goes 
to "patients" without their consent, thus 
violating both medical ethics and the 
individual’s human rights. It also goes to 
subsets of the population that we now know are 
particularly vulnerable to fluoride‘s toxic 
effects - including the very young, the very old, 
the infirm, people with poor kidney function and others with poor nutrition.

While strongly supported by the US public health 
establishment, most countries have rejected this 
practice, including the vast majority of European 
nations. They are not willing to force medication 
on those who do not want it, and they feel that 
many health concerns have not been resolved (see 
a list of official statements from various 
countries on this at 
). According to World Health Organization (WHO) 
data available online, dental health for 12 year 
olds in non-fluoridated countries is as good, if 
not better, than those countries which fluoridate.

These observations in countries are duplicated in 
studies comparing communities within a country. 
Since the 1980s there has been an ever growing 
number of research articles and reviews which 
indicate that there is little difference in tooth 
decay between communities which are fluoridated 
and those which are not (Leverett, 1982; 
Colquhoun, 1984; 1985 and 1987; Diesendorf, 1986; 
Gray, 1987; Brunelle and Carlos, 1990; Spencer et 
al. 1996; deLiefde, 1998; Locker, 1999; Armfield 
and Spencer, 2004 and Pizzo et al., 2007. An 
alphabetical listing of the full citations can be 
found at 
). Any minor difference due to fluoride status is 
usually dwarfed by the difference in income 
levels. Poverty is the major factor related to 
tooth decay, not lack of fluoride.

Government officials endlessly promote 
fluoridation while steadfastly refusing to 
publicly debate the issue, or provide the 
scientific evidence to support their claims.

Professionals’ statement:

We the undersigned call for an end to water fluoridation.

SEVEN recent events make action to end this practice urgent.

1. The publication in 2006 of a 500 page review 
of all relevant health effects and exposure 
information on fluoride by a  distinguished panel 
appointed by the National Research Council (the 
research arm of the National Academy of 
Sciences). The US Environmental Protection Agency 
(EPA) requested this review to determine if a new 
drinking water standard is required. Contrary to 
news media coverage, the NRC report went far 
beyond concluding that the current EPA standard 
of 4 ppm  (i.e. the maximum contaminant level 
goal) is unsafe and should be lowered.  The panel 
identified many important research studies in 
which animals or humans drinking water close to, 
at, or even lower than 1 ppm, showed numerous 
systemic adverse health effects. These included: 
bone fractures, decreased thyroid function, 
impaired glucose tolerance (pre-diabetes), brain 
cell damage, lowered IQ in children, kidney 
damage, arthritic-like conditions, symptoms 
characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. 
Considering the substantial variation in 
individual water intake, and the wide range of 
human sensitivity to any toxic substance, 
fluoridation at 1 ppm provides no margin of 
safety to protect against these adverse health effects.

2. The publication in 2004 of the book "The 
Fluoride Deception" by award-winning 
investigative reporter Christopher Bryson. This 
meticulously researched book documents that 
industrial interests, concerned about liabilities 
from fluoride pollution and fluoride’s heath 
effects on workers, played a significant role in 
the early promotion of fluoridation in the 
1950’s. Bryson also details the brutal 
suppression of scientists who have challenged the 
establishment on the safety of this practice. A 
videotaped interview with Bryson can be accessed on Google video at:

3. The evidence provided by the Centers for 
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2005 that 
32% of American children have a condition called 
dental fluorosis a discoloration and mottling of 
the enamel caused by fluoride exposuure. Clearly, 
our children are now being overdosed with 
fluoride from wwater, swallowed toothpaste and 
many other sources. Fluoridated water is the easiest source to eliminate.

4. The American Dental Association’s 
distribution, on November 9, 2006, of an Advisory 
to its membership recommending that fluoridated 
water not be used in the preparation of infant 
formula due to the elevated risk of dental 
fluorosis.  This admission by the ADA that 
fluoridated water is not appropriate for infants 
is reason alone for fluoridation to be immediately halted.

5. The concession by the CDC in 1999, and again 
in 2001, that the predominant benefit of fluoride 
in reducing tooth decay is TOPICAL and not 
SYSTEMIC. To the extent fluoride works to reduce 
or prevent tooth decay, it works from the outside 
of the tooth, not from inside the body. It makes 
no sense to drink it and expose the rest of the 
body to the long term risks of fluoride ingestion 
when fluoridated toothpaste is so readily available.

6. The publication in May 2006 of a 
peer-reviewed, case-controlled study from Harvard 
University which showed a 5-7 fold increase in 
osteosarcoma (a frequently fatal bone cancer) in 
young men associated with exposure to fluoridated 
water during their 6th, 7th and 8th years (Bassin 
et al., Cancer Causes and Control, 2006). This 
study was surrounded by scandal as Elise Bassin’s 
PhD thesis adviser, Professor Chester Douglass, 
was accused by the watchdog Environmental Working 
Group of attempting to suppress these findings 
for several years. See video at 

7. The admission by federal agencies, in response 
to questions from a Congressional subcommittee in 
1999-2000, that the industrial grade waste 
products used to fluoridate over 90% of America's 
drinking water supplies (fluorosilicate 
compounds) have never been subjected to 
toxicological testing or FDA approved for human 
ingestion. See: <>

To bring an end to fluoridation:

We call upon Members of Congress to sponsor 
and/or support a new Congressional Hearing on 
Water Fluoridation so that those in government 
agencies who continue to support the procedure, 
particularly the Oral Health Division of the CDC, 
will be compelled to provide the scientific basis 
for their ongoing, aggressive promotion of 
fluoridation with millions of taxpayer dollars. 
They must be cross-examined under oath if the 
public is ever to fully learn the truth about 
this unnecessary and harmful practice.

We call upon local elected officials in 
fluoridated communities to exercise due diligence 
in this matter and read the basic scientific 
literature themselves. It is not enough to 
blindly accept assurances from biased agencies 
whose reputations depend on maintaining the 
status quo and whose employees are required to 
promote fluoridation. If you are not confident 
about claims that fluoridation is safe and 
effective, you should not be forcing this 
practice on those who don’t want it and may be harmed by it.

We call upon members of the media to do a 
professional job investigating this issue. Do not 
assume that the opposition’s arguments are 
invalid because of the reams of endorsements that 
promoters use to put your intelligence on 
hold.  It is irresponsible to just quote the Dr. 
Strangelove film and a few sentences from each 
side. If author Christopher Bryson can spend 10 
years researching this issue, surely other 
investigative journalists can spend more than 10 
minutes sorting out fact from fiction in this matter.

We call upon State health agencies, at the very 
least, to use their health networks to thoroughly 
publicize, at all levels, the ADA recommendation 
that fluoridated water not be used in the preparation of infant formula.

We call upon medical and dental professionals to 
get up-to-date on this issue. Professionals 
should use their own high level education to look 
beyond the outdated blanket endorsements from 
promoting agencies. Specifically, we call upon 
them to review the NRC (2006) report and the 
other literature cited in the introduction above.

We call upon members of environmental and other 
activist groups to get involved. In addition to 
health concerns, fluoridation is "pollution by 
dilution" of the ecosystems with tons of 
industrial waste products each year.  This 
problem is one that's easy to end -- once we have 
the political will -- by just turning off the 
taps. Getting that political will can be greatly 
accelerated by your organization educating its 
membership as to the newer developments 
identified above and by joining in the movement to end fluoridation.

Despite 60 years of fluoridation, tooth decay 
remains rampant in many long-fluoridated areas of 
the US. The untold millions of dollars that are 
now spent on equipment, chemicals, monitoring, 
and promotion of fluoridation could be much 
better invested on nutrition education and 
targeted dental care for children from low income 
families who are known to suffer the greatest 
amount of tooth decay. The vast majority of other 
countries have done this. It is time for the US 
to recognize that the fluoridation program has 
failed to deliver its promise, poses unnecessary 
risks, and violates freedom of choice and medical 
ethics. Fluoridation must be ended now.


Kenji Akiniwa, DDS, Akiniwa Dental Clinic, 
Editor, The Journal of the Japanese Society for 
Fluoride Research, Tokyo, Japan
Phillip M. Allen, MD, PhD, pathologist (retired), Wichita, KS
Robert Anderson, PhD, Tauranga, New Zealand
Sergio Apollonio, President,  Malagrotta Committee, Rome, Italy
Billie Barewald, RN, Chair, Mountain View 
Citizens for Safe Drinking Water Mountain View, CA
James Beck, MD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of 
Medical Biophysics, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Steve Breyman, PhD, Executive Director, Citizens' 
Environmental Coalition, Albany, NY and Director, 
Ecological Economics, Values & Policy Program, 
Department of Science and Technology Studies, 
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
Dennis Briggs, PhD
Ernesto Burgio, Pediatrician, Vice President, 
Scientific Committee ISDE (International Society 
of Doctors for Environment), Palermo, Italy
Larry Bowden, DMD, Aesthetic Dentistry of Lake Oswego, OR
Albert W. Burgstahler, PhD, Professor Emeritus of 
Chemistry, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, 
Kansas. Co-author with George L. Waldbott, MD, 
and H. Lewis McKinney, PhD, of "Fluoridation: The 
Great Dilemma" (Coronado Press, 1978) and editor 
since 1998 of the international quarterly journal 
Fluoride, published by the International Society 
for Fluoride Research (
Noel Campbell, BDSc, LDS, FACNEM, FASID, Visiting 
Professor, Hope Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Neil J. Carman, PhD, Clean air program director, 
Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter, Austin, TX
Robert J. Carton, PhD, former Chief of 
Environmental  Compliance, U.S. Army Medical 
Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, MD 
and former president of EPA professionals’ union.
Paul Connett, PhD, Professor Emeritus of 
Chemistry, St. Lawrence University and Executive 
Director of the Fluoride Action Network, Canton, NY
Ken Cook, Environmental Working Group, Washington, DC
Pat Costner, Science Advisor, GAIA, Science 
Advisor, IPEN, retired Senior Scientist, Greenpeace International
Joe Cummins, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Genetics, 
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Robert C Dickson, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Mark Diesendorf, PhD, Director, Sustainability Centre, Sydney, Australia
Michael F. Dolan, PhD, Adjunct Professor, 
Department of Geosciences, UMASS, Amherst, MA
Daniel A. Durst, Esq., MHSA, Tinko Law Group, Meadville, PA
David Egilman MD, MPH, Clinical Associate 
Professor, Brown University, Attleboro, MA
Lynn Howard Ehrle, MEd, Chair, International 
Science Oversight Board (a project of the Organic 
Consumers Association), Plymouth, MI
Doug. N. Everingham, MB, BS, Australian Health 
Minister 1972-75 , Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Mike Ewall, Director, ActionPA, Philadelphia, PA
Richard D Fischer DDS, FAGD, MIAOMT, past 
president, International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology
Brent Foster, Executive Director, Columbia Riverkeeper, Oregon
Paul Gilbert, DDS, MAGD, AIAOMT, Practicing 
general dentist focusing on biological dentistry, Princeton, NJ
Frank W. George, DO, MD(H), Affiliate Associate 
Professor, Midwestern University, AZ College of 
Osteopathic Medicine, Phoenix, AZ
Mike Godfrey, MBBS, Tauranga, New  Zealand
Dorothy Goldin-Rosenberg, MES, PhD, Toronto, Canada
John Remington Graham, BA, LLB, Member of the 
Minnesota Bar, counsel for the plaintiffs in 
trials in Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Texas, 
resulting in judicial findings that artificial 
fluoridation of public water supplies induces 
large-scale cancer and other ailments in man.
Tomas Hernandez, MD, MPH, Neurologist, President, 
Public and Environmental Health Committee, Puerto 
Rico College of Physicians and Surgeons, San Juan, PR
W. Robert Hetrick, PhD, Research Coordinator, 
Fluoride Team of Kansas, Wichita, KS
J. William Hirzy, PhD, Vice-President, EPA 
Headquarters Professionals Union (NTEU Chapter 
280), risk assessment expert and (for 
identification purposes only) ranking chemist at 
EPA headquarters, Washington, DC
Professor C. Vyvyan Howard, MB, ChB, PhD, 
FRCPath, Bioimaging Research Group, Centre for 
Molecular Bioscience, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland
Robert L. Isaacson, Distinguished Professor, 
Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY. Member of 
the 2006 National Research Council panel which 
reviewed the toxicology of fluoride.
Antone G. Jacobson, PhD, Professor Emeritus of 
Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology, The 
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Joel M. Kauffman, PhD, Professor of Chemistry 
Emeritus, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, PA
David Kennedy, DDS, Past President of the 
International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, San Diego, CA
Pam Killeen, co-author of the NY Times 
bestselling  book, The Great Bird Flu Hoax.
Dan Knapp, PhD, (Sociology)  CEO of Urban Ore, 
Incorporated, a reuse and recycling business in Berkeley, CA
Stephen M. Koral, DMD, Vice President 
International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Boulder, CO
Lennart Krook, PhD, Professor Emeritus of 
Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Pierre Larose, DDS, FAGD, FIAOMT, Retired 
A/Major, Canadian Forces Dental Services, Fellow, 
Academy of General Dentistry, Founding member of 
the Quebec Holistic Dental Ass'n and currently, 
Vice-President International Academy of Oral 
Medicine and Toxicology, Montreal, Canada
Todd Lawson, DMD, Aesthetic Dentistry of Bellevue, WA
Hardy Limeback, PhD, DDS, Assoc. Professor and 
Head of Preventive Dentistry, University of 
Toronto, past president of the Canadian 
Association for Dental Research, and Member of 
the 2006 National Research Council panel which 
reviewed the toxicology of fluoride.
Mariann Lloyd-Smith, PhD, (Law) Senior Advisor, 
National Toxics Network Inc., East Ballina, NSW Australia
Don Mac Auley, BDS, Dental Surgeon and Chairman 
of Irish Dentists Opposing Fluoridation 
<<>>, Ireland
Laura McCarthy, Program Associate, Citizens' 
Environmental Coalition, Albany, NY
Henry Micklem, PhD, Emeritus Professor of 
Immunobiology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Peter Montague, PhD, Environmental Research Foundation, New Brunswick, N.J.
Pierre-Jean Morin, PhD, Director of medical 
research at Laval University Hospital (1973-1979) 
and principal author of La fluoration: autopsie 
d'une erreur scientifique (Éditions Berger, Eastman, QC, 2005) Quebec, Canada
Jeffrey Morris, PhD (Economics), Sound Resource Management, Olympia, WA
Alan Muller, Executive Director, Green Delaware, Port Penn, DE
Liliane Buffaut Mungo, Comitato Tutela 
Valdichiana, Italia Nostra, Arezzo, Italy
Tohru Murakami, DDS, PhD, former President of 
Japanese Society for Fluoride Research, former 
Vice President of Gunma prefectural Dental Association, Japan.
Hans H. Nehrlich,  PhD, Private Practice 
Orthomolecular Medicine, ret. university lecturer, Australia and Germany
E.M.T. O'Nan, Director, Protect All Children's Environment, Marion, NC
Bill Osmunson, DDS, MPH, Aesthetic Dentistry of 
Bellevue, WA and Lake Oswego, OR; Director of the 
Institute for Advanced Dental Studies,  Host for 
the TV Series, "The Doctor's Corner", Lake Oswego, OR
Robert Pocock, fluoride spokesperson for VOICE 
for the Irish Environment, Dublin, Ireland.
Perry O. Roehl, PhD, Distinguished Professor of 
Geology, emeritus, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX
Paul G. Rubin, DDS, MIAOMT, Seattle, WA
Ralph Anthony Ryder, Director, Communities 
Against Toxics UK, Editor; TOXCAT, Ellesmere Port, UK
Mageswari Sangaralingam (Masters in Environmental 
Management), Research Officer, Consumers Association of Penang, Malaysia.
Bryony Schwan, MS, Executive Director, The 
Biomimicry Institute, and affiliate faculty at 
the University of Montana’s Environment Studies program, Missoula, MT
Alfred A. Siess, Jr., BCE, 
MBA,  Environmental/Economic Consultant (Ret. 
Engineering Executive), Lehigh Valley, PA
Caroline Snyder, PhD, Professor Emeritus, 
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY
Bruce Spittle MB ChB DPM FRANZCP, Managing Editor 
of Fluoride, Quaterly Journal of the 
International Society for Fluoride Research, Dunedin, New Zealand
W. Gary Sprules, MA, PhD, Professor of Ecology 
and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Daniel G. Stockin, MPH, Senior Operations Officer, The Lillie Center, Inc.
Prof. Dr. Anna Strunecka, DSc,  Professor 
Emeritus of Physiology, Faculty of Sciences 
Charles University  Prague, Czech Republic
Joseph W. Tinko, Esq., Tinko Law Group, Meadville, PA
Chris Vermeire, Journalist, Antwerp, Belgium
Murray J. Vimy, BA, DMD, practicing dentist and 
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Dept. 
of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of 
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Barbara Warren RN, MS in Environmental Health 
Science, Warren Environmental & Health Consulting Services, Inc. NY
Craig E. Williams, Director: Kentucky 
Environmental Foundation, Director: Chemical 
Weapons Working Group, Recipient: 2006 Goldman Environmental Prize, KY
Councilor Arnold Woolley, DipIM, MCMI, Rtd. 
Senior Police Officer, past JP and current 
environmental activist, North Wales, UK
Mae W. Woo, DDS, Billings, MT
Patti Wood, Executive Director, Grassroots 
Environmental Education, Port Washington, NY
Matthew Young DDS, PA,  Member and director of 
the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Hendersonville, NC
Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Rudolf Ziegelbecker, Graz, Austria


Phillip Allen: "It should be noted that the 
health risks associated with the use of fluoride 
in drinking water outweigh, to a significant 
degree, the slight benefits from that use."
Albert Burgstahler: "Why are so many public 
health officials afraid to admit they could be 
wrong about things they have stuck their neck out 
on? Does their desire to preserve their 
credibility mean more to them than the wellbeing 
and good health of their fellow citizens?"
Noel Campbell: "The risk/benefit ratio based on 
peer reviewed research is now too high to allow fluoridation of water."
Doug Everingham: "Half a century ago as a public 
medical officer and as a family doctor I 
published support for fluoridation in my country 
following U.S.A. example. When challenged I spent 
hours studying evidence on both sides and each 
decade have become more convinced that I was 
wrong. Public water fluoridation breaks the 
near-universal toxicological precautionary 
principle that requires providers to prove 
medicator safety, not dissenters to prove medicator harm."
Paul Gilbert: "It's really an irony that the ADA 
relies on old, outdated "science" to support its 
pro fluoride position, and then has the nerve to 
say that we use "junk science".  I believe that 
the ADA is now about as professionally corrupt as 
it can get. The ADA is an embarrassment to real research scientists."
Robert Isaacson: "The Health of the entire 
country is at risk as long as fluoridation of the 
drinking water remains uncurbed."
Mageswari Sangaralingam: "Fluoridation is mass 
medication with an uncontrolled dose, and 
violates the individual's right to informed 
consent. We need to end the harmful practice of 
water fluoridation in the US and all other 
countries which still add fluoride in public drinking water."
Alfred A. Siess: "When I studied "Fluoridation", 
as a Civil Engineering student, 52 years ago, 
very little was taught about the effects of 
Fluoride... In my opinion, those "professionals" 
who advocate fluoridation of the public water 
supply as "safe" and "effective" , where the 
whole body of scientific evidence shows it is 
neither, should lose their professional license 
and should NOT be shielded from civil suits or 
criminal liability where fluoridated water causes damage."
Councilor Arnold Woolley: "I have spent most of 
my life evaluating evidence, including 22 years 
as a public prosecutor in various courts. In my 
opinion, the case against fluoridation of water 
supplies is evidentially sound."
Matthew Young: "I have been studying all the 
relevant science in relation to fluoride and can 
only come to one conclusion.  It was added to our 
water for the sole purpose of avoiding government 
law suits as a result of accidental human 
exposure from industrial greed and government cover up."
Rudolf Ziegelbecker:  "I want to emphasize the 
fact that nowhere in Europe, where fluoridation 
has been stopped, has there been an increase of 
dental caries observed afterwards. Also, when 
collecting new, random data about natural 
fluoride content of drinking waters and dental 
caries from the WHO databases in Geneva in 1987, 
I could not find a trace of a benefit of 
(natural) fluoride in drinking water."