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>Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 17:02:00 -0700
>To: [log in to unmask]
>From: Glenn Branch <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: [ncse] Unlocking the Mystery of Life Critique
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>Dear Friends of NCSE,
>Unlocking the Mystery of Life, a documentary about the ìintelligent
>designî movement cowritten by Stephen C. Meyer, Director and Senior
>Fellow of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery
>Institute, is airing on individual PBS stations across the country.
>Because NCSE has received many inquiries about Unlocking, we have
>added a section to our web site for information and opinions about
>Articles in this section are the opinions of the authors and not
>necessarily those of NCSE.
>The first entry is a letter to Maryland Public Television, which
>aired Unlocking on June 10, from Daryl Domning, Professor of Anatomy
>at Howard Universityís School of Medicine. Domning writes, "Although
>this program was presented as a science documentary, in fact it was
>no more than an elaborate infomercial for 'intelligent design'
>creationism (ID)."
>The second entry is from NCSE's Network Project Director Skip Evans,
>who documents the links between Unlocking's producer, Illustra
>Media, and Discovery Media, whose stated mission is to "utilize
>every form of available media to present the reality of [Godís]
>existence through compelling scientific evidence and academic
>And the final entry is a brief news article about Unlocking by
>Robert Park, professor of physics at the University of Maryland,
>Director of the Washington Office of the American Physical Society,
>and author of the American Physical Societyís popular "What's New"
>column. Park's critique is reposted, with his permission, from
>"What's New" for June 13, 2003.
>NCSE will announce further additions to the Unlocking section as they appear.
>Glenn Branch
>Deputy Director
>National Center for Science Education, Inc.
>420 40th Street, Suite 2
>Oakland, CA 94609-2509
>510-601-7203 x 305
>fax: 510-601-7204
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