I mostly just read (lurk on) this list because a long time ago and what
seemed like another galaxy I was a subscriber to SESPA and because I think
of myself as a progressive, leftist scientist. I am generally silent
because many of the issues discussed on this list like HIV are simply
outside my area of expertise. I am a physical organic chemist by training
doing research in colloid and surface chemistry and trying to keep the harm
I do in my science to a minimum. Not easy when one has to scrounge for
money to keep it going. You can find me on the Web. I am the only Romsted
and I do chemistry at Rutgers University in New Brunswick.
But that is not why I am writing. I want to address your use of the word
³troll² to describe Mitchel Cohen ( I do not know Campbell).
In brief, wrong.
Mitchel is a long time political activist in New York City and we are of a
similar age. I have been active in spurts since the early sixties, a bit as
an undergraduate and then more as a graduate student at Indiana University.
Mitchel has been continuously active. I first met Mitchel during the
political struggle around WBAI and Pacifica. We worked together
periodically for about four years on the effort to bring democracy to
Pacifica. That struggle is not over and Mitchel is currently serving on the
Local Station Board of WBAI. I am currently holed up in my chemistry office
doing the publish or perish bit.
Mitchel and I have never had extensive discussions about science, health,
etc., because we were always talking about WBAI/Pacifica. But I know this.
Mitchel is NOT malicious. He does not try to sow dissension. Not his goal.
He does state his opinions and tries to do so clearly.
So, when you disagree with him, just say so. He will listen.
In struggle,
Larry Romsted
P.S. I have not paid much attention to homeopathy, but what I have read and
hear seems like nonsense.
P.P.S. Ignoring the details, I too feel, like Mitchel, that ³Marxists²
(whatever that means exactly, I think mostly of those in and around Marxist
organizations that appear at demonstrations for example) I have met, known,
and read, have not come to grips with ecology, environment, etc. and have
therefore failed to have a powerful influence on it. Marxist in the past
treated the environment as an endless resource to be exploited, not
On 2/16/07 11:49 AM, "Michael Balter" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> That seems reasonable to me, and if there is general agreement that Cohen and
> Campbell are trolls, then I will limit any responses to them in the future. As
> far as the issue of AIDS goes, I have posted a fair amount of material that I
> believe counters their viewpoints effectively.
> With apologies to Martha for annoyances caused, even if I am not the one here
> pushing people like Matthias Rath and Peter Duesberg who have a lot of blood
> on their hands.
> Michael
> On 2/16/07, Louis Proyect <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> >The issue of the tone of posts is a different matter. I do not think it is
>>> >an ad hominen attack to post information which contradicts a statement
>>> >made here. It might be an ad hominen attack to say that the left is overly
>>> >tolerant of stupid and uninformed viewpoints, although I would say that
>>> >the left needs to deal with stupidity and ignorance in its ranks if it is
>>> >ever to get anywhere. So in some cases, especially when someone is
>>> >claiming that HIV does not cause AIDS, a more pointed response might
>>> >indeed be appropriate.
>> I think the real issue is volume. I would urge either side in the debate to
>> limit themselves to one or two posts a day. The kind of tit-for-tat that is
>> going on right now is not that helpful. Furthermore, I am not sure whether
>> it is worth answering Mitchell Cohen or Jonathan Campbell because they are
>> bordering on trolldom.
>> --
>> www.marxmail.org <http://www.marxmail.org>