Welcome back everybody!
I hope everyone had a fabulous summer! I can't wait to hear some of the
Hopefully school hasn't been too hard so far and that life is just peachy.
Anyways, Andrew and I have been planning to start SEEDS up again at the end of
this month (last week in Sept- to first week in Oct.) This is tentative...so
we will keep you updated when we know for sure. We will also email you soon
with a date for our first meeting.
NOTE: If you are on this listserv and would like to be taken off, please notify
either Andrew ([log in to unmask]) or myself ([log in to unmask]). Or if you are on
the listserv. but were unable to make it to the meetings and would like more
information on our program or other VIA programs, please attend our info
session in the CC theater on Wed. Sept. 15th at 8 pm.
See you soon!
Sarah Wilkins and Andrew Giunta
SEEDS coordinators